Tetiana Protcheva’s needlework marvels
After Kyiv, her embroidered neckties, icons, and rag dolls will travel to China
An unusual exhibit has been hosted by the Ukrainian Culture Foundation: several dozen expensive items of needlework by Tetiana Protcheva, each presenting an exciting combination of modern cultural trends and very old traditions. A map of Ukraine adorned with Swarowski stones, with the largest pink one marking the capital city, was displayed next to a number of traditionally bright-colored rag dolls clad in folk costumes characteristic of various regions of Ukraine. Each maiden had a real iron key attached to her belt. Tetiana says that in olden times mothers would give their daughters such keys and that this tradition was eventually reflected in toys. The display included embroidered icons, aircraft, fashionable men’s neckties, Easter eggs, and scenes from Ukrainian daily life.
Tetiana treats her hobby very seriously. Before starting on a new project, she studies pertinent literature to achieve canonical accuracy. Thus, before doing her icons, she ventured a trip to Israel and received blessings at a convent.
Of late, however, most Protcheva’s trips abroad have been strictly business: image-bearing exhibits in the US, Scotland, Israel, and Japan. Her visit to the Expo international display in Japan that represented works by artists from 136 countries proved the most memorable one. Tetiana says that the neckties are her invention and that they impressed even Expo visitors. She uses ornaments borrowed from Trypillia ceramic pieces dating from 5-4 BC. In Ukraine, this business component of modern man’s attire, embroidered with colorful threads, has turned into a talisman of sorts and is in considerable demand with moneyed customers.
“I see that people are interested in my works. Things Ukrainian have long become fashionable, as evidenced by the interest shown by young visitors to my exhibits. Needlework is something I need for the good of my soul.”
Protcheva is preparing for a trip to China to stage an exhibit of men’s and women’s costumes jointly with other masters of folk crafts.
In Kyiv, her exhibit “Garden of Ukrainian Culture” ended on March 15 at the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation (16 Lypska St.). Academician Borys Oliinyk, the head of the foundation, is very impressed by what he saw. “Tetiana Protcheva has done our foundation an honor. We feature hundreds of exhibits, but hers was a special one. Protcheva’s works of art show that Ukraine is a very old country, with its own cosmic and mystic mission. Our land unites 140 ethnic groups, but we have chosen friends not on an ethnic basis but on whether or not one is doing good deeds. Tetiana is not just an embroiderer. She shows with her works what Ukraine is all about, this country’s depth and height,” the noted Ukrainian writer said addressing the ceremony of opening the exhibit.