This week in history
March 17. 1972: the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR resolves to establish the State Museum of Book Printing in Kyiv.
1995: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine repeals the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea and recognizes the power of the Crimean Parliament.
March 18. 1917: the first Ukrainian gymnasium, with the well-known Ukrainian pedagogue P. Kholodny as principal, opens in Kyiv.
1993: in Kyiv the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine awards Ukraine’s first doctoral and post-doctoral degrees.
March 19. 1917: on the Central Rada’s initiative, the first Ukrainian Feast of Freedom is held, during which the first Ukrainian Viche is elected.
1996: the Ukrainian Agrarian Exchange holds the first auction in oil products.
March 20. 1669: the council of senior Cossack officers resolves to recognize the protectorate of Turkey over Right Bank Ukraine.
1944: the Soviet troops liberate Vinnytsia from Nazi invaders.
March 21. 1927: the first issue of Liternaturna gazeta (Liternaturna Ukraina from 1962) comes out.
1982: US President Ronald Reagan signs the proclamation on marking The Day of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group. It is the first US presidential act that exclusively concerns Ukraine.
March 22. 1978: the Informational Bulletin of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group begins to come out.
1994: the National Bank of Ukraine opens the Ukrainian Mint in Kyiv.
March 23. 1993: Ukraine’s ministry of Justice registers the all-Ukrainian political association Political Independence of Ukraine.
Випуск газети №:
№8, (2009)Рубрика
Day After Day