This week in history
January 28: 1930. The Extraordinary Church Council abolished the Ukrainian Autocephalous Church.
1992. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the national blue- and-yellow banner as the State Flag of Ukraine.
January 29: 1900. The Revolutionary Party of Ukraine, first political party in Central, Southern, and Eastern Ukraine, was created in Kharkiv.
1992. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the All-Ukrainian Shevchenko Prosvita Society.
January 30: 1868. A musical school, now Kyiv Glier Musical College, was opened in Kyiv.
1992. Ukraine joined the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Helsinki.
January 31: 1920. The first Ukrainian newspaper in the US, Ukrayinsky Shchodenni Visti [Ukrainian Daily News] started its publication in New York.
1966. The Council of Ministers of USSR approved a decision, On Creating the Kyiv Trade and Economy Institute.
February 1: 1945. The Kharkiv Ordzhonikidze Tractor Plant started serial production of tractors.
1993. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the Rukh People’s Movement of Ukraine.
February 2: 1902. A demonstration of 15,000 workers and students took place in Kyiv under the slogan, Down with the Autocracy!
1930. The KP(b)U Central Committee sent a letter, On the Means to Liquidate Kulak Farms in the Regions of Complete Collectivization, to all district and rayon KP(b)U committees.
February 3: 1940. The Committee of Ukrainian Canadians was created in Winnipeg, Canada.
1997. The Nuclear Pool of Ukraine was registered, a voluntary organization uniting a number of Ukrainian insurance firms for insurance and reinsurance of nuclear risks.
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