A patriotic lyrical graffiti
Or Feel the difference between the French Spring in Kyiv and the Russian Spring in Ukraine!
Graffiti mural Revival of Ukraine is now gracing the facade of a building standing at the intersection of Andriivsky uzviz and Borychiv Tik Street and listed as 33/6A Borychiv Tik Street in Kyiv. It is a result of joint effort of two artists – Julien Malland from France and Oleksii Kyslov from Sevastopol. This creative event was held as part of the French Spring in Kyiv. To create the patriotic lyrical graffiti, depicting a 15-meter-tall Ukrainian girl in a wreath, the masters spent 60 liters of acrylic paint and about a hundred aerosol cans of different colors. By the way, it took them a whole week to paint the graffiti, using two cranes at work!
“This project was made possible thanks to the Podil District Administration in Kyiv as well as NGOs and private sponsors from the district,” director of travel company Aquavita Tetiana Yurkova noted. “We love our capital, but the city has started decaying recently, with many houses crumbling, many others stuck in mid-construction, and piles of garbage strewn around. This should not be so! Thus, we decided that something needed to be done to change the situation for the better, and this graffiti is our first step. The mural has been an adornment of Kyiv, many people, both tourists and residents of the capital, have been specifically coming here to look at the girl in a wreath. After seeing so much interest from the public, we have decided to continue with the project and will keep decorating our buildings and leading Kyivites on efforts to remove garbage from public gardens, parks, and courtyards. Our dream is for Kyiv to become a beautiful European city!”
By the way, civic activists plan to build an artistic venue for cultural events in an empty lot next to the mural. Representatives of The Day’s Charitable Foundation, also housed in the patriotic mural-decorated building, joined the friendly community of Podil civic activists. Feel the difference between the French Spring in Kyiv and the Russian Spring in Ukraine!