Ukrtelekom to Take Over Utel
06 марта, 00:00
Verkhovna Rada passed Tuesday a resolution On Measures to Prevent Crisis
in Ukraine's Public-Sector Telecommunications. The Cabinet of Ministers
has been urged to plan handing-over to the State Property Fund a part of
the joint ventures set up with participation of the Ukrtelekom state enterprise,
to lift restrictions on extending it credit under Cabinet guarantee, as
well as to assist the enterprise in acquiring Utel Ltd. shares belonging
to foreign founders, and to conduct respective negotiations with founders
of the Ukrainian Mobile Communications (UMC) joint venture. The Cabinet
of Ministers was instructed to ban temporarily (until January 1, 2000)
the issue of new long-distance telephone licenses, and to analyze the way
subjects of entrepreneurial activity fulfill the conditions stipulated
by the licenses, and, in case of non-fulfillment, to cancel the licenses
granted. The Cabinet was also advised to exempt state-run telecommunication
units from paying the import customs duty if they import items of an industrial
and technical nature.
Выпуск газеты №:
№9, (1999)Section