Praise music
10th Festival of Early Music started in LvivThis year the forum is called “Praise Music or Lviv Ceciliada” and will continue until October 23. Soloists, ensembles, choirs and orchestras from Switzerland, the UK, Austria, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine will be performing at five venues in Lviv and the oblast. The participants of the festival include harpsichordists Christopher Stembridge, Svitlana Shabaltina, and Natalia Sikorska, gambist Peter Benovych, Marek Toporowski (harpsichord, organ, conductor), trumpet player Tomasz Slusarczyk, ensembles Khoreia Kozatska, Starck Compagnay, and orchestra CORda Cracovia. Music by George Handel, Henry Purcell, Heinrich Schutz, Bruno Nicolai, Johann Quantz, Johann Sebastian Bach, Alberich Mazak, Georg Philip Telemann, Antonio Soler, Hans Krebs, Christoph Schaffrath, Grzegorz Gorczycki, Marcin Mielczewski, Mykola Dyletsky, Tomasz Szewerowski, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Francois Couperin, Louis-Claude Daquin, Louis-Nicolas Clerambault, Jean-Francois Dandrieu, and others will be played in the House of Organ and Chamber Music, the Church of Saint Lazarus, in Skole Roman Catholic Church of Seven Sorrows of Our Lady, the Garrison Church of Saints Peter and Paul, and in the concert hall of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic.”
“Concerts will please the connoisseurs of music with the gems of old music. And because it is an anniversary festival, everything will be especially festive,” Roman STELMASHCHUK, music expert, arranger, teacher, and artistic director of the festival of early music in Lviv, told The Day. “To such type of compositions belongs the oratorio composition by George Handel Power of Music, programs Church Music in the Royal Cities of Krakow and Warsaw, Unknown Uniate Church Music, Music of French Kings, as well as the Habsburg Ball in Lviv.”
To commemorate the first decade of the event, the exhibition “10 years with Ancient Music in Lviv” will be open in a coffee-shop gallery “Shtuka.”
It is important that professionals in the field of early music do not only perform at concerts, but also provide advice and conduct workshops, which promotes the development of historical performance in Ukraine.