Bundestag Vice President Rudolf Seiters is convinced

“Your visit was timed to the anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy in Kyiv. What do you think must be done to prevent this ever happening again?”
“We must always remember those darkest pages of German history so that we can think well ahead and learn to draw conclusions from those events. And it seems to me the civilized world has developed so much that it can ensure this.”
“What is your view on the kind of world we live in after the September 11 events?” “All the signs show that all states of the world are ready to forge an alliance to fight terrorism. The United States has never enjoyed such solidarity in recent years as it has now. We also feel this solidarity in our dealings with Russia and Ukraine. This solidarity was also confirmed unequivocally during the official functions and speeches dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the Babyn Yar events.
“This solidarity cannot and must not be expressed in words only. It should be translated into practical, tough, and very balanced steps against this terrorist network. The United States is reacting precisely in this balanced way despite the enormous pain it feels because of such a large number of casualties, sharing the pain with the victims and, at the same time, not forgetting the main goal: to destroy this terrorist network. The Federal Republic of Germany has also announced its solidarity with the United States, also noting that this includes not only political and economic sanctions but also the possibility of rendering any needed military aid.”
“Do you agree that the world that existed before September 11 and the one we are living in today are two different worlds and that, in general, the world requires very radical changes?”
“Let us say this: the strikes on New York and Washington showed they were aimed at the whole civilized world, not just at the United States. This made all countries of the world understand that terrorism is a threat to us all, not only the United States, that we are all facing a tremendous menace. This is, so to speak, a new awareness that results from these things. At the same time, this means that none of the states can feel absolutely protected against such terrorist acts and for this reason it is necessary to forge an antiterrorist alliance. It is also very important that Islamic states have also joined this alliance and the chorus of those who condemn these acts of terror. For nobody can justify such attacks with references to Islam.”
“Do you think this alliance should be forged to fight terrorism only or it can have more far- reaching goals?”
“First of all, I mean an alliance for combating terrorism. But if this active solidarity brings about in the future a peace-loving policy aimed at the even closer cohesion and mutual assistance of states, we will only welcome this.
“In other words, this means common responsibility, for example, in environmental protection and conservation. There is common responsibility to eradicate poverty. There is a great interest in creating an atmosphere of communication, exchange, and the mutual enrichment of cultures. All these are components of the domestic policy for all the countries of the world — I stress domestic, not foreign policy. Simultaneously, this means that, given this worldwide international responsibility, national borders, the borders of nation states, are in reality losing their importance.”
“Eleven years ago one of such border, that between West and East Germany, ceased to exist. Do you think this could be a model for a united Europe?”
“All I can say is that this was a tremendous achievement, when it was managed to unite two states, which developed for a number of decades in absolutely different ways and which had entirely different social systems, when democracy, the individual freedom, and a market economy reigned supreme in one and dictatorship, a planned economy, and denial of the freedom of expression in the other — without too much strain on the social and economic foundations of either state. This was possible, not least, because the then West Germany, an economically stable and very strong country, was in a position to render the needed aid. This kind of aid is indispensable for all countries going through the stage of building democracy and a market economy. No country would perhaps be able to make such great strides in democratization and economic revival without a helping hand lending it comprehensive support. I would even put it on the same level such the events in German history, the reunification of Germany, with such events as the end of a divided Europe and end of the Cold War.
“On the other hand, it is the German example that makes me conclude that countries in transition to democracy and a free economy have the right to expect assistance from stronger, primarily Western, states. Czech President Vaclav Havel once said that if the West did not render stabilization aid to the East, the East would in turn destabilize the West. This is why we, Europe in general and Germany in particular, are very interested in the positive economic development of the Central and East European states. For Germany has the longest border with and the largest number of neighbors in the East. In other words, Germany is thus becoming most sensitive to certain consequences of destabilization. This is why we offer more aid than other countries to our eastern neighbors. This also applies not least to Russia.”
“Ukraine is not a neighbor of Germany. Can it count on the same attention from Germany?”
“I am certain that it can. This is evident from practically all the Bundestag resolutions on the countries of Central and East Europe. These resolutions mention Ukraine and Russia as partners of the same magnitude, as partners very important to Germany. This interpretation of Ukraine’s role was always part of government policies when it was headed by Chancellor Kohl. I also hope this will be confirmed again when President Kuchma and Chancellor Schroeder meet soon for consultations. Of course, Germany is interested in the intensification of investment activities and the deepening of economic and cultural relations with Ukraine — but only provided the required framework conditions make it possible to implement this interest.”
“Are you certain, now that you’ve met the Ukrainian leaders, that these framework conditions will be created?”
“Yes, I am. We had a frank conversation (with President Kuchma and Verkhovna Rada Vice-Speaker Havrysh — Ed.). We said Germany welcomes the reforms already carried out in Ukraine. We also noted as openly that some reforms are still deficient, still to be carried out. And so we hope the Ukrainian parliament and government will target these reforms at legal stability, sound guarantees of investment opportunities, and revision of the tax system on which the interest of German investors also depends. We also said there should be reforms to bring about stability in the political sphere. We thus touched upon the election law. Simultaneously, there is no denying that these decisions should be made by Ukraine itself: this is Ukraine’s prerogative. But should Ukraine need some friendly German advice, we are always prepared, with a feeling of friendship and desire to help Ukraine, to support Ukraine in its further economic reconstruction and to further develop exchange in the spheres of politics and foreign trade.