155 days of war: Foxtrot sent 45% of aid to the east and 25% to the south (video)

The all-Ukrainian retailer has been actively supporting Ukrainian defenders since the beginning of russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine, providing the necessary gadgets and household appliances. The amount of such assistance amounted to over UAH 10.5 million.
The company started receiving requests from the military, volunteers, and public organizations already in the first days of the war. In order to respond quickly and in a coordinated manner, the staff organized the "Help Our" operational headquarters, which continues to work at full capacity.
- The patriotic position regarding assistance to the ZSU company united everyone - from consultants to business owners, - recalls Oleksiy Zozulya, CEO of Foxtrot. - To help the army as much as possible - this was one of the first orders of Valery Makovetsky, the founder of Foxtrot, on the first day of the war, given "from the wheel", because he was deliberately returning to Kyiv that day. To open stores where it is safe, to keep up with sales and registration of charitable assistance of the Armed Forces - this is how retail employees worked in the first months of armed aggression. We agreed on the principles of work, built internal and external communication, connected the management of commerce and partners - everything happened instantly.
The company estimated that during these 5 months, most of the necessary equipment was sent to fighters in the eastern (45%) and southern (25%) regions, the rest of the help was received by the requesters from the northern, western and central regions.
Foxtrot also helps its employees who went to defend the country, and their number already reaches 124. They courageously serve in defense of the state, and inside the company they are called #rotaFoxtrot. Of these, 44 sales consultants, 32 loaders and storekeepers, 16 store directors, their deputies or supervisors, 11 office workers, etc. In support of #rotyFoxtrot, the company has allocated 250,000 hryvnias worth of equipment.
- Such requests from employees are primarily the focus of our attention. These are our colleagues, their work - to beat the enemy - is invaluable today. They enable us to work and feed the country's economy, says Gennadiy Vykhodtsev, co-founder of the Foxtrot Group of Companies. - I would also like to thank my other colleagues - the headquarters of "Help Us": for five months of effective work without days off and vacations. That's how we will win.
The company told more about how Foxtrot helps defenders defend the country in a thematic video.