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“Chance for consolidation”

Photo exhibition of 150 best photographs of The Day’s Photo Contest ended in “Lviv Polytechnic”
27 June, 11:20
WINGS / Photo by Olena ZEN

The exposition of the best photo­graphs from The Day’s Inter­na­tio­nal Photo Contest 2012 was de­ploy­ed in the main building of National University “Lviv Polytechnic” on May 29 and, following a nice tradition, it was presented by the Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper Larysa Ivshyna, who always emphasizes that she is in love with the charming city of Lviv, its beautiful ar­chi­tecture and aura, of course, with Lviv re­sidents, and especially those, who are “smart, conscious, and not cy­nical.” At that time serious discussions took place both in “Lviv Polytechnic” within the framework of “Armor-Pier­c­ing Political Writing” presentation from The Day’s Library and in “Dis­cus­sion Club” at Ivan Franko Lviv National Uni­versity dedicated to the present state and prospects of Ukrainian jour­na­lism. The Day wrote about these events in issue No. 37 of June 11, 2013.

The Day’s Photo Exhibition that lasted for 26 days came to an end, how­ever, the interest to it among the visitors of all ages – children, young and older people, students and staff of the university, random visitors, Lviv re­sidents, and people coming from other places, those who came alone and those that came in companies, has been keen up until the last day. The Day learned about this fact from one of the curators of the exhibition – Head of Youth Po­licy and Social Development Department at “Lviv Polytechnic” Volodymyr Zalutsky. According to the voting of the visitors the first place was awarded to the photograph Wings by Olena Zen (317 votes), the second – to the photograph Evil Pipe by Ruslan Kaniuka (147 votes), and the third – to the photo­graph I don’t Want by Oleksandr Prymak (82 votes).
“Photo exhibition is just great. Thank you!” messages of similar kind were left by many visitors in the guest book.

“The Day is the only newspaper in Ukraine, that maintains photo journa­lism at the high level,” photo artist, winner of Taras Shevchenko National Prize Vasyl Pylypiuk shared his impres­sions with The Day’s journalist.

“The Day’s photographs are deeply philosophical works of art that make people think, think, and think…” noted first Vice Rector of “Lviv Polytechnic” Volodymyr Pavlysh.

“Through The Day’s photographs we can learn more about ourselves, our homeland, peculiarities of our civil development,” said Vasyl Ly­zan­chuk, Chair of Radio and Television Department at Journalism Faculty of Ivan Franko National University.

Almost all visitors of The Day’s Photo Exhibition said that every photo­graph is like a small story that encourages reflection, that this display has brought more energy and Uk­rainian spirit to the city of Lviv and that the special value of the photographs, brought here, is that they haven’t been staged, but were caught at the right moment and each is like a confession.

Ivan Horodnytsky, student of Danylo Halytsky Lviv Medical University: “I am convinced that The Day’s photographs will touch the heart of every vi­sitor. They show the real life.”

Olena Fihlina, housewife: “Thanks to The Day newspaper. The exhibition is very interesting. Come to Lviv more often.”

Serhii Pohorelov, student of the ninth grade: “Photos are great! Maybe I should start taking photos? It’s really exciting!”

Iryna Semeniuk, pensioner: “It’s the third photo exhibition organized by your newspaper that I came to. It’s an outstanding event! I will look forward to seeing new photographs.”

However, there were also people, who were dissatisfied…

Tetiana Khramova, resident of the village of Dolyna came to Lviv on business: “Why The Day presents its exhibitions only in big cities? We also would want to see it!”

Serhii Hudzio, resident of Ko­lo­myia came to Lviv on holiday: “When will you bring your photographs to our town? I came to ‘Polytechnic’ because I read about The Day’s exhibition on the Internet. And what if I hadn’t read about it?”

To this we must note that The Day can come to those cities and those institutions, where it finds not simply reliable and honest friends but good partners. Therefore, we will be glad, when the circle of such partners will expand and residents of small towns (by the way, our exhibition was presented in the town of Olhopil in Vinny­tsia oblast with a rather modest population a few times thanks to the assistance of Pavlo Kalychenko, direc­tor of local company) and even villages will be able to see our photos, because they are really worth it.

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