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This day in history

15 April, 00:00

1919: The Soviet government’s decree instituting corrective labor camps marks the beginning of the notorious GULAG network.

1935: In Washington, signatories from twenty-one countries, including President Franklin D. Roosevelt, sign Roerich’s Pact [also known as Pax Cultura — “Cultural Peace” or “Peace through Culture,” named after the cultural artifact protection movement founded by Nicholas Roerich, symbolized by a maroon on white emblem consisting of three solid circles in a surrounding circle].

1950: The Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs adopts a decree whereby OUN-affiliated resettlers must remain in specially designated localities ad infinitum.

1987: In Moscow, the Soviet Union and the United States sign an agreement on cooperation in the sphere of exploration and peaceful uses of outer space.

1994: Ukraine accedes the CIS Economic Union Treaty as an associate member.

1996: Dushanbe, the capital city of Tajikistan, hosts the first meeting of the Council of CIS Interior Ministers.

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