<I>The Day</I>’s New Year questionnaire
1. Rank the most important international events in 2008. Which of them do you think are of special importance for Ukrainian society?
2. What Ukrainian events caused a stir abroad, particularly in your country? What changes do you think occurred in Ukraine and Ukrainians?
3. What subjects, publications and contributors to The Day do you remember the most?
4. What would you wish Ukrainians in 2009?
French ambassador in Ukraine, Jacques Faure: “I wish Ukraine to celebrate a victory at the Roland Garros tournament”
1. In my opinion, the three important events that occurred in 2008 and are of great importance not only for Europe but also for Ukraine are:
* The cessation of the Russian-Georgian hostilities in the South Caucasus and the signing of a six-point conflict settlement plan, following the missions to Moscow and Tbilisi, which President Sarkozy performed, as the European Union Council president and accompanied by the European Commission head, on August 12 and September 8.
* The EU-Ukraine summit in Paris on September 9, the beginning of talks on an association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine.
* The worldwide financial crisis and bankruptcy of companies, traditional leaders in their sphere, such as the Lehman Brothers bank: they seemed impregnable but still ran aground as a result of speculative financial operations that were de-linked from the real economy, which put the world economy in danger.
2. Unfortunately, an unstable political situation and face-off scenes in the Ukrainian parliament have created a negative image of the country abroad. This is all the more deplorable because Ukraine again achieved good economic results in 2008.
3. In the three months of my work here I managed to single out the photo exhibition that your newspaper organized: I have already carefully cut out and put in my personal album of reminiscences some pictures from its first pages, including the one of December 3, 2008.
I have read Andrii Kurkov’s novels with pleasure and now know the localities of Kyiv which he populated with his nicely-written characters. After all, the local Opera House is now one of my favorite places.
4. I wish all their cherished dreams in their private life and for the country’s benefit to come true. Let them remain as hospitable, cheerful and lovely as I saw them at the very first moment of my arrival. And one more thing: I wish Ukraine to celebrate a victory at the Roland Garros tournament!
Daniel CARON, Canadian ambassador to Ukraine: “We all want Ukraine to be successful and stable.”
1. Undoubtedly, the global financial crisis is the catalyst event of the year, and probably of several decades. Responding effectively to climate change and the economic crisis are now the two most important challenges worldwide. These will remain for a while. And solutions to both challenges are linked altogether with our energy policies. For Ukrainian society, this financial crisis came at a time when the country was already facing macroeconomic challenges, such as high inflation with a fragile hryvnia. A weak exchange rate has been inevitable but, eventually, it should provide a competitive boost to the economy. First, however, Ukraine must undergo the pain of adjustment. This crisis will make the year 2009 very difficult, one of transition, and will probably make history.
Another important worldwide event that may have some regional resonance is the change of administration in Washington. In these challenging years, the departure from the White House of the current administration will see new US approaches that may improve the relations with some countries and may also renew the dialogue in the region. We may see more multilateral approaches and environmental policies coming out of Washington. I think that the election of an African American is a great historic event: for the United States itself, considering its own young history, and for the entire world. This new leadership will give more assurance to other minorities, and to minorities in other countries. 2008 was also a year of importance for Europe. It has to be noted. The French Presidency, which is now ending with 2008, put the EU in the middle of the arena demonstrating the multipolarity of our world.
Finally, it is not possible to think of 2008 without noting the great success of the Summer Olympics. In spite of the political turmoil regarding its venue and, even , the war that exploded on The Days of its opening, the 2008 Olympics were an immense success. We should congratulate the organizers and all the athletes from all over the world for giving us these magic moments.
2. The domestic political fight continued to attract much attention, unfortunately. We all want a successful and stable Ukraine. Therefore, it was very distressing to see on television worldwide some parliamentarians physically fighting in the Verkhovna Rada this fall. We know that this is not Ukraine. We should not see these kind of images. Just before my arrival here last August, I and my family saw on Canadian television very difficult images of the terrible floods in Western Ukraine and Northern Moldova. This is always very sad and I wanted to have my first visit out of the Capital in that area. So I did. A few weeks after my arrival, I went to Poberezhzhia in Ivano-Frankivsk region where I met with the victims of the flood, visited the affected houses and provided encouragement and support on behalf of all Canadians. We see a lot of Ukraine in the international media, all around the world. Politically, but also due to your great athletes, artists, researchers and academics. The fact that the new James Bond girl is Ukrainian was also noted worldwide...
3. I have arrived in Ukraine only last August. But have already become a constant reader of your English language digest and noted interesting articles and analyses of the current Ukrainian politics and other sectors of life.
4. I wish that Ukraine continue its progress in 2009, following the immense steps of the recent years. Ukraine is a young democracy with a lot of challenges. 2009 will be another important year for this European country. The March 2009 meeting with the European Union will be a key rendez-vous. The Ukraine-EU Association Agreement will open the way for further progressive developments. There are many challenges ahead for this country and many things to do. This is why it is so important that friends, like Canada and Ukraine, continue to collaborate together for a better future. Happy New Year to all!
Newspaper output №:
№40, (2008)Section
Day After Day