Commenting on the elections, People’s Democratic Party (NDP) leader Anatoly Matviyenko described his party’s stand as “restrained optimism.” Reserved, because the results were far from what had been expected. A mere 4.99%.
Another reason for such restraint is that nothing is clear about the expected powerful coalition in Parliament which could exert a strong influence on the Cabinet and new Verkhovna Rada leadership. The striking Leftist victory resulted from lack of coordination by Centrist and Right-Centrist forces. Now this factor could turn into an obstacle in creating the coveted alliance. Mr. Matviyenko does not rule out the possibility of siding with Rukh, forming a bloc, since the two parties cooperated during the election campaign. He promises to take “a closer look at the Greens to see what they are all about.” However, the Green Party has already declared that it will not form any blocs in Parliament. NDP-Rukh differences mostly are over who would lead the future bloc.
Although NDP’s parliamentary faction is expected to be quite representative, its 55 People’s Deputies are very far from a majority. For the time being NDP banks on the formation of a “politically responsible government” headed by Valery Pustovoitenko. However, considering that reformists are scattered, there is a strong likelihood that the parties will look for allies among the 114 nonaffiliated Deputies. Supposing the NDP fails to secure a majority, then what? “This would be a tragedy I don’t care to discuss,” declared Mr. Matviyenko. This tragedy would basically mean that, failing to come to terms with the democratic forces in Parliament, in other words, being unable to elect its leadership, Parliament would not be able to start functioning within a month and under the Constitution the President would be able to dissolve it.
Should the NDP fail to take a dominant stand in Parliament and government to coordinate their work, it might join the opposition; at least the possibility is not ruled out by its leadership. This would mean another tragedy. For the President, the more so that differences between the People’s Democrats and the Chief Executive are now apparent. Thus, Mr. Kuchma stated that the election results were a “cold shower for those urging party leaders to adopt a mixed election system.” In response, the pro-presidential party leadership stressed that they “take a principled stand with regard to the proportional election system in Ukraine and party affiliation of the bureaucracy.” And that, despite the President’s opinion, they will not back down.
Incidentally, the NDP plans to name its own presidential candidate immediately after its April convention. Not surprisingly, the very first legislative initiative of the People’s Democrats will be a struggle to abolish parliamentary immunity, perhaps as a weapon against the leader of a certain clan-based party also vying for the presidency.
Drawing by Anatoly KAZANSKY, The Day