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Lavrov begs Europe to help Russia

20 February, 11:48

Recent article by RF Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov “EU-Russia: Decision Time” evoked concern in the thoughts of Ukrainian establishment. It immediately stirred talks on separation of the eastern part of Ukraine and splitting of our state into two parts to be divided between the EU and Russia. The most frightened asserted that Russia wants to fully annex the territory of our state. This is a traditional Ukrainian approach to the problem of relations between Russia and the EU. We’re offering a different vision. Russia is leading its own game with Europe, in which it does not see Ukraine either in European or, unlike traditionalists consider, Russian future. Russia’s aim today is to turn Ukraine into a mere supplier of raw materials to European region, where Russia itself plans to be. One should not forget about the terrible state of RF economy, an only way out for which is begging Europe for help. All these are words, but words written by Minister Lavrov.


So, various reasons can be named, which indicate that Russian Federation is in a crisis state: a low competitiveness, lower purchasing power of the populace, lower GDP, and corruption. But Russia in fact is suffering from other, more global reasons. First, its centralized economy, which is energetically dependent, cannot be predicted because the price for energy carriers changes all the time. Here the fact that the best deposits of raw materials in Russia are exhausted should be taken into consideration. Secondly, the subsidizing of Russian regime in Caucasian territories, such as Chechnya, Karachay-Cherkessia, Ingushetia, etc., weakens Russian economy and brings the state’s economic centers far from sound development. So, the European part of Russia has found itself in the situation when the rich should pay for the poor to protect their own borders from potential military conflicts. Thirdly, the question of Far East of the country remains unsolved. It means that one-third of the territories of Russian state in 2014 are not only economically undeveloped, they haven’t been explored either by the population, or the country’s economy. Fourth, it’s the support of the countries that are part of the Customs Union, especially Belarus, to help which Russia spends many billions annually.

All these reasons of economic decay of the Russian Federation can be characterized by one phrase – lack of globalization approach. Globalization is not only market economy, but moving away from sovereign form, erasing international borders and modernization of production. These elements give an opportunity of free transfer of resources, including human resource. The only efficient instrument in this case is transnational companies. Yes, transnational companies give new technologies and jobs, they change life standards of citizens and create new culture forms. This is the modernization Russia badly needs.

Speaking about the fact that “Russia does not aim to enter the EU,” this is apparently a lie, because for many years Putin has been trying to convince representatives of the European Union to sign with Russian side the agreement on Free Trade Area. Of course, European market is very important for Putin, and he does not want to lose it. But he sees the future of his country in preserving the regime which envisages authoritarianism, closed state borders, and centralized power. As for modernization, according to Lavrov, which means transnational companies, for Putin it means disappearance of monopolies, reduction of power, independent regions, and what’s most important, change of culture values among the country’s population. Therefore while Putin is defending his own myth about empire, and Lavrov preaches the ideas that are utopian even for him, titanic Russia is heading to its place of destination.


Putin’s initiative, which is confirmed in the Concept of Russia’s Foreign Policy from Lisbon to Vladivostok, does not see Ukraine’s existence in European space. Proof of this are words from Lavrov’s article: “Such a shared view of the future would clearly help our common neighbors to develop ties both westwards and eastwards comfortably, without conflict.”

Now it is clear that Russian power sees our state as a territory with a name of “raw material appendage to the empire.” There arises such a situation when Russian side does not consider Ukraine not only as an international subject, but it does not see its territory within the European space, where Russia plans to be in the future. The plan is simple: entering the European area, having a cheapened resource base in Ukraine.

Putin in his desire to sell his EU integration at the highest possible price, decided to create a Customs Union, at the helm of which he would lead an entire bloc of countries to the European region. Of course, one country – not four. The larger the territory and the population, the higher is the price of the agreement. But the situation in Russian economy, social tension, and constant decay of political order in the Russian Federation don’t leave time for the Russian president to implement his imperialistic plans.

The plan called “Ukraine,” which we have seen in this “glorious” article of the minister, showed the entire ignorance of approach and old-time hatred to Ukrainian people. At last it becomes evident that Putin wants to be in Europe without Ukraine, whereas he needs our state only as a raw-material appendage. Therefore Ukrainians should fight now above all for EU integration, and Europe – for Ukraine!

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