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Live discussion

Kharkiv community searched for ways of common transformations following the initiative of The Day
24 April, 17:09

Roundtable discussion “Living Community of Kharkiv: Success, Failures, and Perspectives” initiated by The Day newspaper under auspices of the Informational Center Maidan Monitoring was held in the Indi club downtown Kharkiv on April 22. For three hours researchers, journalists, human rights activists, cultural and community leaders of Kharkiv discussed the achievements, failures, and success of public campaigns and initiatives organized in the city in recent years. Honored Journalist of Ukraine Yevhen Maslov, poet Serhii Zhadan, Ph.D. in Political Science Yulia Bidenko, ethnologist Mykhailo Krasykov, activists from environmental organization “Green Front” Oleh Perehon and Ihor Rassokha, and head of the NGO Informational Center “Maidan Monitoring” Natalka Zubar spoke about the major events in social life of the city, analyzed the errors, and discussed further actions.

The discussion turned out really controversial but constructive and informative. “The government is afraid only of pressure!” assured Maslov. However, many noted that people can find legal and peaceful ways of putting pressure on the authorities. At times the participants of the discussion expressed totally opposite points of view from “Kharkiv community is small and weak!” to “Kharkiv community is the great power despite the small size.” “Public figures should engage each in their business, do not mix different types of activities,” Bidenko said. “We need to untie our efforts, support each other in fighting for common cause,” stressed public activists Oleh Perehon and Viktoria Skliarova in spite of the statement of the political scientist. Concerned citizens pointed out concrete possibilities for turning the city into comfortable cultural environment for people to live, work, and engage in creative activity there.

Today it is clear that this roundtable discussion was an important event in the life of Kharkiv and Ukraine. Understanding, analyzing its materials and further implementation of its findings is an urgent matter for the near future. You can read the most interesting ideas expressed at the discussion in the upcoming issues of The Day.

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