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A look from Davos

Marek SIWIEC: There is no kind of progress happening in Ukraine at all
02 February, 00:00

Marek SIWIEC, member of the European Parliament, is a constant participant of Ukrai­nian Lunch con­ferences in Davos. The Day asked him to give brief comments on the present forum in Davos and its Ukrainian part, including the par­ti­ci­pation of the Pre­sident of Ukrai­ne Vik­tor Yanukovych. It is his second time in Davos, and this time he pre­sented a speech “Ways of Future De­ve­lopment.”

First of all, Ukrainian Lunch confe­rence became a recognized institution here in Davos. It is always crowded here, and the high-ranked politicians always participate in it. Second, the presence of the president of Ukraine always draws attention, because everyone is willing to see the person who sets the quality level of the meeting. A lot of influential and well-known politicians took part in this conference: Foreign Minister of Sweden Carl Bildt, head of the National Bank of Poland Marek Belka, Minister of EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Egemen Ba­gis, and many others. Therefore, we can say that the lunch was attended by many top-ranking leaders. There was a discussion after the president’s speech.

What was Yanukovych’s speech about?

“We heard that there is stabilization in Ukraine, but I would rather call it stagnation. There is no progress at all happening in Ukraine. The president was too optimistic while talking about the situation in Ukraine and the relations with IMF. On the other side, there was no new information about the Tymoshenko case, and this was the most important matter in 2011. This very matter blocked the initialing of the Association Agreement. That is why I think that the absence of the crisis is a good sign. But this stagnation does not look very promising, if it is the progress we need. I am glad this lunch took place, because this event is always an effective promotion of Ukraine in the international community.”

What is your impression of the current economic forum in Davos? What problems have you discussed there? Have you heard any new ideas on how to exit the crisis?

“Yes, I have heard many interesting ideas in fact, but there is no such thing as some universal magic spell. It is our fourth year of being in crisis, and we still cannot see the end of it.”

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“Protests are happening here all the time. This year we even had Ukrai­nian ladies from FEMEN, who protested against gangsters in Davos. I must say that these protests are not effective. They are surely fascinating, but not effective at all.”

On January 26 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe approved a resolution, according to which some punitive damages will be put in effect if Ukrainian government does not release Tymoshenko and other former members of her cabinet. What can be the last drop that makes Europeans actually set up the punitive measures?

“Today we have the PACE resolution. And I would like to know the way Ukrainian government reacts to it. Since I know nothing of their reaction yet, I cannot give any comments on it.”

So, you have not heard of the reaction of Ukrainian government for this resolution during the Lunch conference?


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