Playing Kyiv mayor election game
Ruling party does not want to call the election, the opposition can’t do it and is not that eager to do so…
The situation is becoming increasingly absurd. The parliament again failed to vote on the date of the elections of Kyiv mayor. This time the deputies considered the resolution suggested by Volodymyr Yavorivsky from Fatherland Party, who proposed to call special election of the city mayor and the city council deputies in 60-day period after the regulation would enter into force. Only 200 MPs voted for the regulations on April 16. Party of Regions did not give any votes, communists and non-allied voted in part.
Last time, while considering the regulations suggested by leader of UDAR Party Vitali Klitschko, the relevant committee upheld the date of June 2, but this time the head of the committee Davyd Zhvania said that “there are no legal grounds for holding early elections in Kyiv.” He also added: “I also want to note that we have to wait for a decision of the Constitutional Court.” The Party of Regions submitted a request to the Constitutional Court to expound on the legitimate time for calling elections in Kyiv.
It’s no secret that the government has no great desire to hold elections in the capital. They are well aware that it would be hard to win them even with the administrative resources. Therefore, their main purpose is to delay time and then the situation will tell. Of course, this is a violation of human rights. Things should not be that way.
But opposition would have to be the most interested in the elections. Externally it’s exactly what it looks like – nice words are being said, passionate speeches are being given. But what is it really like? Let’s analyze. Both last time (then there were 209 votes in favor of the regulations) and this time opposition was not able to simply ensure the presence and votes of all of their “bayonets.” Of course, things happen, but the opposition has to prepare for voting on key issues seriously and mobilize all their strength. Then, they also must be able to negotiate, there are reasons for this. The mentioned voting showed that communists, non-allied MPs, and even Party of Regions MPs (last time three deputies voted) pushed their buttons to support the initiative.
What is the problem then? Perhaps, in the desire to change something. A big game is on when at the background of loud statements about the interests of Kyiv residents, blocking the parliament stand, rallies, etc. we see a nice image of struggle, but in reality things are much quieter and cynical. Ironically, the role of the government in this game is more clear and straightforward, and the role of the opposition is demonstrative and theatrical. From all of this only the residents of Kyiv lose the most. They are extremely tired of all the politicians, however, the solution of the problem depends on their compromise. And still Kyiv citizens have to become active themselves too.
Vladyslav LUKIANOV, Party of Regions MP:
“The Party of Regions has a clear position on the local elections in Kyiv. There is a conflict between Article 141 of the Constitution and current legislation on local elections: if the power of the local council expired we need to appoint the next elections, at the same time the article points out that the next elections are to be held in Ukraine all at the same time. Now there is an ongoing debate about whether we should elect City Council and city mayor now and in 2015, according to the same provision of the Constitution, hold regular elections, or whether we should elect a new mayor and establish his cadence for five years, but then Kyiv will stand out from the entire system of local elections in the country. In order to get an answer to this 48 deputies from the Party of Regions faction appealed to the Constitutional Court. The Court is now considering this issue to resolve the legal aspect of the matter. It would be logical to make decision after receiving the conclusions of the Constitutional Court.
“What concerns the operation of the city council after the expiry of its mandate, this issue is settled by the law. There is a legal norm of functioning of local government that provides for the principle of continuity. For example, the previous convocation of parliament functions until the first meeting of the newly elected parliament regardless of whether a new parliament was elected or not. Previous convocation would still have the powers of valid parliament and the decisions made by its deputies will be legitimate.
“The same is true about the local government and the state government. Even a retired Cabinet will serve until the appointment of new ministers and the head of the government.”
Serhii KAPLIN, UDAR faction MP:
“Elections in Kyiv are strategically important not only for the capital, but also for the country as a whole. It is also important to have new members of the local council. If the right for self-governance is being destroyed in Kyiv today, tomorrow it will disappear in Poltava, Lviv, and other cities of Ukraine. Unresolved issue with Kyiv elections is an alarming signal. The same situation can arise with the presidential election.
“Today’s vote was a test for political forces, as well as for self-nominated MPs. It is paradoxical that MPs elected in majority constituencies voted against this decision even though they came here thanks to the local self-government institution. In any case we have to make sure that these matters are being resolved.
“Combining positions of the head of Kyiv City State Administration and the head of Kyiv City Council is not simply our desire, but it is a necessity due to the real state of affairs. A mayor cannot be powerless. With the current mandate a mayor cannot take responsibility for reforms in the capital either politically or economically.
“We will not support the scenario of vote for calling elections only of the city mayor without calling the elections of a new city council. Election of mayor without authority and without proof of compliance of the council, and presently the sociological data shows that opposition will have undeniable majority in the Kyiv Council, will exclude the possibility of reforms to change people’s lives.
“We have expressed our thoughts on the timing of the elections in our legislative initiatives. It is impossible to bargain and juggle the future of Kyiv. Capital is sacred for Ukrainian democracy, here the order must be above all. Changes in the capital would mean that the parliament has the political will to restore order in the country. I don’t want to comment on rumors about the decision of the Constitutional Court to call the election in August. I will only say that the court has long worked in the interests of the regime and the decision it will make will be based on political motives of the Party of Regions. The ruling party would like to capture the capital and the entire country, to make the reign of Yanukovych and Popov perpetual. They do not have support, they do not maintain close contact with people and, thus, are not ready for fair and, indeed, any campaign.
“Ignoring of the necessity for calling the elections by the majority is already a violation.”