The policy of idleness
The coalition plans to make Ukraine’s nonaligned status into law
The coalition of MP factions “Stability and Reforms” plans to establish the nonaligned status of Ukraine on the legislative level, which means Ukraine’s non-participation in military-political unions of other states. It is presupposed by the coalition agreement made public in the newspaper Holos Ukrainy (Issue 46, March 16, 2010). In foreign policy the coalition is to ensure the international status of Ukraine on the level which will guarantee its national security, territorial integrity, and state sovereignty, as well as increase its international influence and authority. Meanwhile, constructive cooperation with NATO on all issues that are of mutual interest should be continued, according to the agreement.
Hryhorii PEREPELYTSIA, doctor of political sciences, professor of Shevchenko Kyiv National University, director of the Institute for Foreign Policy:
“This is a rollback, at least to 2004, because in 1993 our military doctrine stated that Ukraine in ensuring its defense and security support would rely on its nonaligned status. But with years it became evident that due to weakening of the defense potential Ukraine is just unable to protect itself by means of individual defense. The Armed Forces were financed on the leftover basis and were systematically reduced. Meanwhile, the Armed Forces were not provided with new weaponry. In fact, today the country possesses about 10 percent of the potential it had in 1992.
“If we return to the past, to the nonaligned status, then the question should be defined as follows: the combat potential of the Armed Forces should be increased, at least to the level of 1994-95, so that they could individually ensure the defense of the country according to all parameters and directions. Certainly, the question is how all this can be raised after such a decrease and drop in the fighting potential, with no efficient military hardware available. So, it is necessary to increase the defense budget fivefold or even tenfold. Therefore, the coalition which plans to introduce the nonaligned status of Ukraine should automatically do it in the new budget resolution. If it doesn’t do it, it will weaken the ability to protect our own state.
“The nonaligned status deprives Ukraine of any opportunity to get military assistance from other countries and alliances in case of an attack against Ukraine. Moreover, unlike the neutral status, the nonaligned one ensures prolongation of the Russian military presence forever. It is stipulated by the fact that the nonaligned status doesn’t require withdrawal of foreign troops from the country’s territory.
“If you can’t restore the potential of the Armed Forces on the level of individual defense, there is only one option — joining international security guarantees. The North Atlantic Treaty provides the most reliable guarantees; there is no other more efficient structure on defense and security. The Budapest guarantees turned out to be fictitious. These are just political statements; they don’t have any serious political power.”