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On Russia’s diplomatic etiquette

Leonid KRAVCHUK: National interests is the only thing the Ukrainian government should be guided by
24 May, 00:00

Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev told a Moscow press conference on May 18 that the leadership of Ukraine should decide at last with what countries it is going to develop the closest strategic relations. “I am not worried in the least about Ukraine’s European integration. After all, it is a sovereign state, and it is up to you to choose who to integrate with. If you wish, go to the European Union, if they are waiting for you, or to any other places. But what I can say absolutely for sure is that if Ukraine, for example, chooses the European vector, it will, naturally, find it more difficult to make any decisions within the framework of the Common Economic Space and the Customs Union to which Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus are parties, because this is a separate association. You can’t be everywhere at once and this is something that has to be understood by everyone, including my Ukrainian colleagues. You can’t sit on two chairs at once, you need to choose,” Interfax Ukraine quotes Medvedev as saying. The Day asked Leonid KRAVCHUK, ex-president of Ukraine, to comment on this statement by the Russian head of state:

“I have always been of the opinion that interstate relations should comply with international principles and rules. Besides, there should be tolerance, civility, mutual respect, and some consultations. Before assessing a neighboring state and its government, one must hold certain consultations, reach mutual understanding, and find out why this state is doing something this way or another. Secondly, it is the sovereign right of independent states to make the decisions they deem necessary. If a state is doing something this way, its actions or decisions do not impair the neighboring states and are based on the principles that are clear to all, perhaps barring Russia. So to assess its actions the way the president of any other state would like to means to interfere into the internal affairs of a neighboring state.

“So we have been living in an independent Ukraine for 20 years, and over all these 20 years Russia has been evaluating us, our presidents and their actions, sometimes even taking a vulgar attitude to the president of Ukraine, as in the case of Yushchenko. Nobody, except for those who vote, i.e., citizens of Ukraine, has the right to appraise our president. I am not surprised, for example, with what happened after the May 9 events – they immediately began to dictate to us a vision of May 9 and said Ukraine was an imperfect state. They are showing a totally unacceptable attitude toward a sovereign state. And it is quite typical for Russian politicians. I thought this could be expected from Russian Duma members only. But both the president and the premier do not adhere to international law standards in relations with Ukraine. They exhibit unsportsmanlike and sometimes even rude behavior, without taking into account that Ukraine is an independent and sovereign state, that its people elect their own government and that they are the only ones able to appraise the latter. They also forget that the only thing the leadership should be guided by is the national strategic interests of nobody but Ukraine. If someone does not like it, this should be sorted out (especially if the states are friendly) by way of consultations rather than public statements and judgments, as Russia usually does. I categorically oppose this.”

Mr. Kravchuk, has the Ukrainian leadership made it crystal clear to everybody that it is not going to integrate into the European space rather than “sit on two chairs”?

“We are doing what we want. President Yanukovych of Ukraine reiterates that our strategic interest is in the European Union. This is our No. 1 goal. But we do not think that developing relations with the EU rules out relations with Russia. Yes, we want to cooperate with whoever can provide us with benefits. Russia also cooperates in a similar way. But I oppose public nationwide discussions of this matter, which can only aggravate our relations or present Ukraine and its government as being inferior. This is not the way things should be done. For this is just one of many similar problems that have occurred in the past 20 years.

“I do not think we should respond to such statements, for in this case we will have to form a special department to react to the never-ending Russian statements. In our actions and decisions, we must be guided by the national interests of the Ukrainian people and our Constitution, adhering to the principles of international law and respect for neighboring states. We have made a decision we are entitled to. We must not be told whether or not to sit on two or three chairs. If Russia considers it difficult to cooperate with Ukraine in these conditions, let it fold up cooperation rather than make statements that scorn and tarnish the honor of the Ukrainian leadership and people.”

Do you think, as some of our readers do, that the May 9 events in Lviv pose a threat of Ukraine losing the European vector and getting back to the USSR?

“I think this is an exaggeration. The people who think so are overwhelmed with fear. But, naturally, we must see and discuss everything. I do not see any threat of Ukraine losing the European vector. Ukraine is unable to move as fast as we would like it to for many reasons, including the influence of Russia, for our relations with that country are very important from the angle of energy resources. And we should not close our eyes to this. If the consultations prove that it will be better this way, we will have to go, showing reason, good judgment, wisdom and tolerance, rather than aggravate [the situation]. For instance, Yushchenko wanted to march quickly, and what did it lead to? To the aggravation of relations with Russia. At the same time, we gained nothing in the EU. Both Germany and France said Ukraine was not prepared. We must be aware of the fact that the West is looking at Ukraine without double standards and without any account of Russian interests: it is building relations with Ukraine on the basis of the interests of EU member states and Ukraine in both the multilateral and the bilateral format.”

Why is it so hard for us to boost integration with the EU in terms of visa-free travel and the establishment of a free trade area?

“Because we do everything while looking at Russian interests and Russian influence. Europe also depends on Russia to meet its energy needs. In other words, as ancient Romans used to say, interests rule the world. And we cannot do but take into account the realities of Europe, Russia, and Ukraine. Those who are afraid should cross themselves. But we should go our own way.”

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