Sociopolis idea rallies hi-tech experts

Ukraine badly needs an essentially new social system, one based on intellect stemming from modern industries and the hi-tech approach. This was the key theme at research-workshop seminar titled Sociopolis in Ukraine: Theory and Practical Ideas, that ended in Kyiv on November 2. RNBOU Secretary Yevhen Marchuk declared in the conference- opening speech, “Now that intellect is coming to the forefront as a major productive force in this fourth technological epoch throughout the world, meaning that the end product, the rate of distribution and quality of communications are the crucial competitive factor, the fact that Ukraine is lagging behind the developed countries — not in terms of CIS indices, but structurally — is the most alarming evidence. In this world, perspectives for economic growth are found not in countries possessing tangible assets, natural wealth, etc. (as was the case before the end of the 1960s), but those with potential capital in terms of the knowledge and intellect commanded by a given nation, given full awareness of the need of its most effective utilization by adopting an essentially new, postindustrialized type of economy. States determined to implement such intellectual capital have priorities focused on public education and white collar work. In many countries, the value of goods is measured not by the amount of work invested, but the amount of expertise involved.”
Yevhen Utkin, Chairman of the Association of Software Producers, noted that “there is a basic issue favoring such sociopoleis: the time of lonely geniuses is past. Western experience, more precisely in fact, shows that only teams of good professional researchers can achieve real progress in this globalized world of success, provided every such team is led by a real expert rather than administrator, however accomplished in his given bureaucratic field. Such highly intellectual teams congeal into research centers and the authors of this concept strongly believe that they will be the nucleus of such sociopoleis.
In fact, the latter can be that structure which will make it possible for Ukraine to overcome its crisis, meaning that progressive changes will be registered in all the other sectors. Mr. Utkin told The Day that building such sociopoleis in Ukraine would call for delving into the experience of socioeconomic systems worldwide.
The legal framework of such sociopoleis remains another extremely urgent issue. Nove Suspilstvo (New Society) is the name of yet another faction that has emerged in Verkhovna Rada on October 20. According to its head, Oleksandr Chubatenko, they all understand that Ukraine could rank with the world’s leading states if proper emphasis were made on its intellectual potential. In fact, this group, after working on certain bills, will take the initiative in developing the sociopolis legal framework.
For the time being, conference participants believe that our society must be explained the fact that the time of the proletariat as that “moving force of society” is past. People must realize that whoever is the first to lay the foundations of a truly informed society will reap the fruits.