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Some ideas are always relevant

Former pupils’ self-government leaders of Kyiv will hold Viacheslav Chornovil Memorial Days at the Teacher’s House
09 April, 10:48
Viacheslav Chornovil

The event’s program includes a triptych exhibition of archival photos, some of them little-known items from the Chornovils’ family archive, and showing of the best-known movies about the po­li­tician. The educational and social pro­ject “Viacheslav Chornovil: Bey­ond Anniversaries” is being or­ga­ni­zed by the newly-created NGO “MoKoLaD.” The group’s Ukrainian name stands for Everyone Can Act. The initiative group comprises former pupils’ self-government leaders of Kyiv who have gone on to become journalists, eco­no­mists, sociologists, political scien­tists, public servants, managers of various companies, directors of international cor­po­ra­tions’ Ukrainian offices, and so on. These people have different tastes, interests, are of varying age and education level, but all of them hope to change their homeland. “The project is dedicated to Chornovil’s memory. Its purpose is to draw attention to this statesman as a figure whose ideas are always re­le­vant. We have deliberately de­ci­ded against waiting for an anniversary to hold it, because we want to popularize our belief that such people should be remembered always, not on specific dates only. We invited to the or­ga­ni­zing group young journalists, theater aficionados, and some generally interesting individuals. Most of us have not got to know Chornovil per­so­nally, but having studied his sta­tements, letters, and speeches, we get inspiration from them to be creative these days,” a co-organizer of the project and MoKoLaD’s founder Inha Vyshnevska explained to The Day. The organizers are hoping the project will attract many young visitors.

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