Wallet and Fashion
Kateryna ANDREYEVA, age 20, a student at Kyiv University:
Quality is what I look for in clothes, not the place of manufacture or purchase. But, since I sometimes have the chance to go abroad, most of my wardrobe is cheap but foreign-made. Once in a while, but still not too often, I happen to find some authentic, again foreign-made, clothes in our markets. The appearance of boutiques with collections of stylish and high quality clothes is a ray of sunshine in stormy weather, and a great many still cannot afford it. I believe many of our compatriots would gladly buy clothes of domestic make. However, limited funds for wardrobe replenishment drive the majority of people to shop for clothes at flea markets and second-hand stores.
Olena MARKOVA, 19:
I find terrible the monotonous appearance of our fellow countrymen, which is due to the mass buying of clothes at markets. However, it is understandable that many cannot but buy cheaper clothes. I also cannot afford to buy clothes in fashion stores, although I want so much to look stylish. Thus, I have to satisfy my needs in second-hand stores.
Kostiantyn SAVCHUK, graduate student at the Institute of State and Law.
I cannot say that I am a slave to fashion. But like every normal person I give preference to quality and comfort. This is why I cannot stand cheap marketplace clothes and try to dress in stores. I like clothes by Mr. Voronin because they are not too expensive and satisfy my requirements.
I am not at the age to keep track of fashion and it does not matter to me if clothes are imported or of domestic make. I try to buy cheaper clothes. That is why twice a year I go to the wholesale market in Khmelnytsky where I shop for the whole family.
Denys ALEKSEYEV, private venture manager:
Up to a certain moment in my life I dressed at second-hand stores and still see nothing humiliating about it. Now that the prices and position make it possible for me I shop for clothes in the Argo chain of stores. With the recent appearance of numerous stylish boutiques I simply hesitate what to choose. I prefer imported clothes, for, in my opinion, as to quality Ukrainian clothes cannot compete with them.