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This week in history

18 April, 00:00

April 18, 1961 . A protest demonstration of believers took place in Kyiv against closing St. Andrew’s church.

1996. Ukraine and Great Britain signed an agreement On Mutual Assistance with Struggle against Illegal Circulation of Drugs, including search, imposition of arrest and confiscation of profits obtained from illegal circulation of drugs and confiscation of instruments for such activity.

April 19, 1917. The All-Ukrainian National Congress proclaimed Ukraine’s national and territorial sovereignty and elected a new Central Rada headed by Mykhailo Hrushevsky.

2002. President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma started his visit to Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan.

April 20, 1978. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified a new Constitution of Ukrainian SSR.

1990. The founding conference of the Children of Chornobyl Ukrainian Republic Association took place.

April 21, 1775. Russian Empress Catherine II legalized serfdom in Ukraine.

1937. The Central Executive Committee of Ukrainian SSR adopted a decision On the State Emblem of Ukrainian SSR.

April 22, 1918. The All-Union Central Executive Committee approved the text of the solemn and first unified military oath.

1922. The Ukrainian Economic Academy was founded in Podebrady, Czechoslovakia.

April 23, 1848. The Rusky sobor [Ruthenian council] newspaper began publication in Lviv.

1991. The Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR approved the law On the Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations.

April 24, 1919. The Council of People’s Commissars of Ukrainian SSR passed a decree On Transferring All Private Higher and Secondary Education Institutions to State Financing.

1949. The Taras Shevchenko State Literary and Memorial Museum was opened in Kyiv.

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