This week in history
January 31 1920. The first Ukrainian Communist newspaper in the US Ukrayinski Shchodenni Visti (Ukrainian Daily News) started its publication in New York.
1966. The Council of Ministers of USSR approved a decision, On Creating the Kyiv Trade and Economy Institute.
February 1 1945. The Kharkiv Ordzhonikidze Tractor Plant started serial production of tractors.
1993. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the Rukh People’s Movement of Ukraine.
February 2 1902. A demonstration of 15,000 workers and students took place in Kyiv under the slogan, Down with the Autocrasy!
1930. The KP(B)U Central Committee sent a letter, On the Means to Liquidate Kulak Farms in the Regions of Complete Collectivization, to all districts and rayon KP(b)U committees.
February 3 1940. The Committee of Ukrainian Canadians was created in Winnipeg, Canada.
1997. The Nuclear Pull of Ukraine was registered, a voluntary organization uniting a number of Ukrainian insurance firms for insurance and reinsurance of nuclear risks.
February 4 1648. The Cossack Revolutin began in Ukraine with the uprising of Zaporozhzhian Cossacks.
1945. The Crimean Conference began in Yalta, where the leaders of three countries (UK, US, and USSR) discussed the postwar organization and forced repatriation of former Soviet citizents.
February 5 1919. The last military unit of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, the Sichovi Striltsi (Sich Riflemen; part of the Austrian army before 1918) abandoned Kyiv. The city was occupied by the regiments of Mykola Shchors and Vasyl Bozhenko.
1977. Helsinki Group members Mykola Rudenko and Oleksa Tykhy were arrested.
February 6 1919. The Councils of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR sent a note to the governments of Great Britain, the US, France, and Japan against their intervention in southern Ukraine.
1958. The Union of Film Directors was established in Ukraine.
Newspaper output №:
№2, (2006)Section
Day After Day