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This week in history

13 September, 00:00

September 13, 1848. A Ukrainian Language Chair was founded at Lviv University.

1921. The Council of People’s Commissars passed a decision On Preserving Monuments of Culture and History in the Early Greek City of Olvia.

September 14, 1995. An official ceremony of approving the Individual Cooperation Plan between Ukraine and NATO took place in Brussels.

1996. The World Chechen Congress and All-Ukrainian Vainakhs Congress took place in Odesa.

September 15, 1991. An all-Ukrainian viche (assembly) took place in Kyiv’s St. Sophia Square to support the Act on the Political Independence of Ukraine.

1995. Ukraine joined the Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure, and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime signed by the Council of Europe in 1990.

September 16, 1651. Cossacks in Bila Tserkva rebelled, unsatisfied with the conditions of the peace treaty with Poland.

1914. The first Ukrainian sharpshooters in the Austro-Hungarian Army swore allegiance to the Ukrainian liberation struggle.

September 17, 1939. The Red Army crossed the Soviet-Polish Border, occupying Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

1989. The First Chervona Ruta Ukrainian Song Festival opened in Chernivtsi.

\ September 18, 1640. A Church Council started in Kyiv, approving the Orthodox Catechism.

1996. The Ministry for Foreign Economic Ties and Trade approved a provision On Bar-Coding Goods Produced in Ukraine.

September 19, 1941. Soviet troops abandoned Kyiv after 72 days of defense.

1991. The Kyiv-Mohyla Academy renewed its work.

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