This week in history
June 18: 1939. The Taras Shevchenko Memorial Museum and a new monument at the poet’s grave were opened in Kaniv.
1996. Ukraine joined the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva.
June 19: 1993. A congress of the Communist Party of Ukraine in Donetsk made a statement on renewing the party’s activities.
1996. The presidents of Ukraine and Kazakhstan signed a treaty On Friendship and Cooperation between both countries.
June 20: 1918. The All-Ukrainian Church Council began work in Kyiv.
1919. The UNR military delegation headed by Gen. Delvih signed a temporary treaty in Lviv on cessation of hostilities and establishing a line of demarcation (so-called Delvih line) between the belligerents.
June 21: 1906. The first legal Bolshevik newspaper in Ukraine, Rabotnik [Worker], began publication.
1919. The Central Executive Committee of Soviets of Ukraine passed a decree On the Red Army of Ukraine (of which there was none) Joining the United Red Army of Soviet Republics.
June 22: 1942. A soccer game between the Luftwaffe combined team and Kyiv Dynamo, the so-called death match, took place, with Dynamo winning 5 to 3.
1993. For the first time in the history of independent Ukraine the right to private property on land was legally ensured: Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the law On Agriculture and Farming.
June 23: 1919. A decree On Nationalizing Kyiv City Museum and Hansen and Khanenko’s collections was passed.
1990. The first repatriating Crimean Tatars began to settle in the first village in the Crimea oblast.
June 24: 1861. The First Russian Congress of Naturalists began in Kyiv.
1934. Ukraine’s top state and party institutions moved from Kharkiv to Kyiv.
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