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This week in history

11 September, 00:00

September 11: 1943. The Hryhory Veriovka State Meritorious Academy Ukrainian Folk Choir was founded.

1993. A memorial sign to the victims of the manmade famine of the 1932-33 was unveiled in Kyiv.

September 12: 1995. Ukraine and Israel signed an agreement on cooperation in health care and medical science.

1996. The Youth Aerospace Education Center was inaugurated in Dnipropetrovsk.

September 13: 1866. Ukraine’s first railroad from Odesa to Balta began operation.

1921. The Ukrainian SSR Council of People’s Commissars passed a resolution on safeguarding historical and cultural artifacts of the Ancient Greek city of Olvia.

September 14: 1871. The Kharkiv Joint-Stock Land Bank, Ukraine’s first, opened.

1995. The Individual Program of Cooperation between Ukraine and NATO was officially adopted in Brussels.

September 15: 1991 . Kyiv’s St. Sophia Square hosted an All- Ukrainian People’s Viche (Assembly) to Support the Act of Ukraine’s Political Independence.

1995. Ukraine joined the Convention on the Laundering, Search, Seizure, and Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime ratified in 1990 by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

September 16:1914. 2500 Sichovi striltsy (sharpshooters) from the Ukrainian Volunteer Legion of the Austro-Hungarian Army swore allegiance to the struggle for Ukraine’s liberation.

1920. Violent pacification of Ukrainians began in Polish-ruled Galicia.

September 17: 1939. In conformity with the Hitler-Stalin Pact the Red Army began its “liberation expeditions” to Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

1941. The State Defense Committee ratified a decision on general compulsory military training of Soviet citizens.

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