This week in history
Jan. 27 1918: A delegation of the Ukrainian National Republic signs a peace treaty with the Central Powers in Brest-Litovsk.
1924: The Kyiv City and gubernia Soviets pass a resolution on the construction of a monument to Lenin.
Jan. 28 1930: An extraordinary church council is convened in Kyiv to liquidate the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.
1992: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopts the b lue-and-yellow flag as the National Flag of Ukraine.
Jan. 29 1900: The Revolutionary Ukrainian Party is founded in Kharkiv, the first political party in the central, southern, and eastern territories of Ukraine.
1992: The Ministry of Justice registers the Taras Shevchenko All-Ukraine Prosvita Society.
Jan. 30 1868: A music school opens in Kyiv. Today it is known as the Reinhold Gliere Music College.
1992: Ukraine becomes a member of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in Helsinki.
Jan. 31 1920: The first Ukrainian daily, Ukrainski shchodenni visti, is launched in New York City.
1966: The Council of Ministers of the USSR esolves to establish the Trade and Economics Institute in Kyiv.
Feb. 1 1945: The Sergo Ordzhonikidze Tractor Works in Kharkiv launches serial production.
1993: The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registers the People’s Movement [Rukh] of Ukraine.
Feb. 2 1902: Fifteen thousand workers and students organize a rally in Kyiv under the slogan “Down with autocracy!”
1930: The Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolshevik) of Ukraine forwards a letter to all regional and district party committees, entitled “On Measures to Liquidate Kulak Farms in the Areas of Total Collectivization.”
Newspaper output №:
№2, (2009)Section
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