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This week in history

07 November, 00:00

November 7: 1917. The Central Rada Third Universal proclaiming the creation of the Ukrainian National Republic (UNR) was approved at the Small Rada session in Kyiv, while the Bolsheviks took power in Petrograd.

1951. The first television center in Ukraine began its work in Kyiv.

November 8: 1867. A permanent opera theater (now the Shevchenko Ukrainian National Opera) was created in Kyiv.

1920. The All-Ukrainian Congress of Working and Peasant Women ended in Kharkiv.

November 9: Day of the Ukrainian Written and Spoken Language.

1977: The Ukrainian Helsinki Group publicized the Manifesto of the Ukrainian Movement to Defend Rights.

November 10: 1926. The Ukrainian Scientific Institute was opened in Berlin.

1993. Yuri Kryvonohov and Maryna Tsvihun, leaders of the White Brotherhood cult, were arrested in Kyiv near St. Sophia Cathedral.

November 11: 1918. Chernivtsi was taken by Romanian troops.

1920. Red Army troops occupied Perekop, clearing the way to the Crimean Peninsula.

November 12: 1708. The Orthodox Church anathematized Hetman Ivan Mazepa for “betraying” Muscovite Tsar Peter I.

1943. Soviet troops cleared Zhytomyr and after severe battles on November 19 abandoned it again.

November 13: 1918. The Western Ukrainian People’s Republic (ZUNR) was proclaimed.

1943. The Kyiv Defense Operation was begun by the First Ukrainian Front forces, frustrating the enemy’s plan to recapture Kyiv and renew the Dnipro defense line.

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