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Assistance from Foxtrot to defenders reaches UAH 10 million and it acquires a new format on July

08 July, 11:51

On July 6, representatives of the supply chain management of the Foxtrot network brought office equipment worth almost UAH 250,000 to the military unit, which is part of the Department of Logistics and Communications of the Land Forces of Ukraine of the Ministry of Defense. 25 printers and cartridges were delivered to them by Foxtrot's logistics contractor – the Presto company.

The event is usual for Foxtrot, which since the beginning of the war has provided assistance in the form of equipment worth UAH 10 million to the defenders of Ukraine. But the innovation of this transmission is the correction of the method of business work with requests. From now on, the delivery of assistance from Foxtrot will become more centralized and orderly: the business will continue to issue part of the assistance based on individual requests from military units on a contractual basis, and the business will transfer the other part of the equipment to the warehouse of the Department of Logistics and Communications of the Land Forces of Ukraine of the Ministry of Defense under the Agreement . And then the provided aid is centrally transferred from the Department to the military units according to the acts of acceptance and transfer and according to all the laws of equipment accounting.

The company hopes that the use of centralized issuance through the specialized department of the MDU will increase the effectiveness of business assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

- This transfer of equipment is recorded under number 779 in the work table of the Foxtrot corporate headquarters " Let's help ours", it demonstrates the large amount of work carried out by the headquarters team, - says its leader, Foxtrot executive director Oleksiy Zozulya. - The centralization of the issuance of aid through the military unit of the specialized Department will contribute to the speed of the issuance of aid on the ground (because we do not waste time on formalizing direct contractual relations with the recipient of aid). If we see in the request equipment that has already been transferred to the warehouse of the Department, then we will send such a letter-request to that place with a request to satisfy it. Such synergy will increase the coefficient of useful joint work to strengthen the material and technical base of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

- In addition, this method of organizing aid to military units increases their responsibility for the property received from a benefactor: the equipment is taken into account twice: to our warehouse, and then to the place of its service, - commented Taras Typylo, the commander of the military unit that received the equipment Foxtrot technique. - The initiative is correct, we thank Foxtrot and serve the Ukrainian people.

The company reported that in the fifth month of Ukraine's full-scale war against Russia, the retailer processed about 800 applications from representatives of the Armed Forces and the National Guard, the State Emergency Service, the National Police, ground defense, medical institutions, local self-government bodies, volunteer organizations, etc.

Almost 200 military units of the Armed Forces and the National Guard, 62 public and 42 volunteer organizations, 37 hospitals and military hospitals, 19 rescue units in the regions, etc. received equipment from Foxtrot.

- We are proud of the stability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we are glad to be useful to our defenders and we believe in the victory of independent Ukraine, - said the Chairman of the Board of Founders of the Foxtrot Group of Companies Gennadii Vykhodtsev.


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