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How Google, Facebook and other social networks expand the Ukrainian language’s presence on the Internet

The BOBs, the Deutsche Welle-sponsored largest international blog competition, began on February 6, starting with the candidate submission stage
11 February, 18:02

2013 is the first year when Ukrainian bloggers are able to compete on equal terms, because the organizers have added our national language to their official list of allowed languages. Previously, users could submit only websites created in English, Arabic, Bengali, Hindi, Indonesian, Chinese, German, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish and French as competition candidates. Accordingly, bloggers from Ukraine could compete for the title of world’s best blogger only if they blogged in Russian or any of the remaining abovementioned languages. It was a point of fundamental importance, because to be admitted to the competition, a blog must cover currently socially important issues, such as human rights or freedom of speech, as they manifest themselves in the blogger’s region of residence. Winning blogs gain publicity and become even more popular, getting more visitors and allowing their authors to acquaint the world community with the region’s currently important topics. The BOBs awards are presented in 34 categories. The jury, aided by Internet users, chooses the best blog with appearance and content aimed at supporting and protecting human rights as well as encouraging and promoting open discussion of currently socially important topics. They determine also the best initiative that leverages social networks and new media to strengthen democracy, promote freedom and human rights. In cooperation with the Reporters Without Borders, the jury awards prizes to outstanding bloggers who make significant contributions in support of freedom of expression. Awards are presented also to websites whose authors find creative and entertaining ways to reflect on important subjects, demonstrate innovative and unexpected approaches to important topics. Blogs and websites that cover global economic challenges will be recognized for the first time in 2013. The Ukrainian voice should definitely be heard in this diverse spectrum of people’s voices, because bloggers have advantage over the (conventional) media or state officials in that the former’s coverage of their chosen topics is more extensive than the latter can provide. As an added benefit, Ukrainian-language bloggers expand the Ukrainian language’s presence on the Internet and promote their mother tongue.

“When it comes to the use of the Ukrainian language in the new media, I see a number of positive aspects. The Internet is a very important source of information and communication tool today, and not just among the younger generations. I see positive developments when monitoring blogs, forums and social networks, as the Ukrainian-language segment of the Internet is well represented and developing further. But, of course, we need it to expand even more,” Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chair of Ukrainian Language Department at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Larysa Masenko told The Day. According to the professor, the whole language environment in Ukraine, both offline and online, has changed. These parallel changes are interrelated. “A Ukrainian-speaking person was a curiosity before, but not anymore. I hear the language spoken on the streets of Kyiv far more often, and nobody is surprised to hear it. Similarly, Ukrainian-language blogs are commonplace on the web. Of course, the state language policy is very important, but we are witnessing an attack on the state language’s position now, and it is the Internet, still free from the government’s control, where patriotic Ukrainian environment is taking shape,” the scholar sums up.

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