Kostiantyn Ostrozky has been selected as the LITPOLUKRBRIG’s patron
This decision was taken unanimously during the 8th session of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the Sejm and Senate of the Polish Republic
During the 8th session of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the Sejm and Senate of the Polish Republic, which ended on March 28, it unanimously decided to make Prince Kostiantyn Ostrozky the patron of the LITPOLUKRBRIG.
“The Assembly is pleased to learn that the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade (LITPOLUKRBRIG) has achieved the final operational readiness. We welcome the selection of Grand Hetman of Lithuania Prince Kostiantyn Ostrozky as the unit’s patron and support the idea of providing the brigade with an appropriate banner,” the Assembly’s document says.
Let us recall that Den reported on the beginning of the process on June 2 past year, when the tripartite Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the Sejm and Senate of the Polish Republic adopted a joint declaration and appealed to the governments of the three countries proposing to name the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade after the outstanding Prince Palatine Kostiantyn Ostrozky.
Photo from the website WIKIMEDIA.ORG
This idea arose three years ago at Ostroh Academy, when the city celebrated the 500th anniversary of the victorious Battle of Orsha, in which the combined forces of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Kingdom of Poland fought the forces of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. The joint force’s commander was Ukrainian Prince Kostiantyn Ivanovych Ostrozky, whose seat was in Ostroh.
Let us recall that his son Vasyl-Kostiantyn Ostrozky was a Ukrainian prince, magnate, military, political, cultural, and educational figure, philanthropist and one of the richest and most powerful magnates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a senator of the Commonwealth and the founder of Ostroh Academy. Vasyl-Kostiantyn Ostrozky’s time was characterized by a major efflorescence of Ukrainian culture and a rise in the level of popular education. Thanks to his efforts, Ostroh became the center of national and spiritual expansion. It was the assistance of Vasyl-Kostiantyn Ostrozky that allowed a large library of Greek and Western European theological literature, reprints of ancient literary works, dictionaries, cosmographies, grammars and so on to accumulate in the city.
“Prince Ostrozky cuts a majestic figure, not only in Ukraine, but also in the whole of Eastern Europe,” rector of Ostroh Academy Ihor Pasichnyk believes.
Newspaper output №:
№24, (2017)Section