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No Male Chauvinism in Ukraine

15 April, 00:00

Unfortunately, the higher civilization rises, the lower falls people’s spirituality. By moving away from nature we lose our healthy moral beginnings and forget that a person comes into this world to build a house, plant a tree, and raise children. Once, the first cosmonaut Yury Gagarin was asked what mattered to him most in life. Everyone expected him to say it was his space flight, but he disappointed and shocked everyone by saying briefly, “Children.” Can you think of many famous people and the great ones of this world who would say that the overriding goal in their life is to raise healthy and well brought-up children?

We have changed somehow. We proclaim everyone who thinks differently our sworn enemy who must be destroyed at any price. I emphasize: not defeated in fair competition, but crushed. We are no longer shocked to see politicians resort to fisticuffs. The main thing for us is not to get involved in their scuffles. The question of national minorities is raised every once in a while. However, Ukrainian laws on national minorities are the most humane in the world, so much so that soon Ukrainians may feel like they are a minority. But even this is not enough. Much ado has been created about the so-called women’s question recently. Ukrainian men have allegedly created convenient rules for themselves thereby relegating women to subordinate roles. Actually, there is no trace of male chauvinism in Ukraine. Myths about the so-called inferiority of women are perpetuated by embittered women who are not loved enough. The ambitions of women who fall into this category do not match their abilities, while their ego is bigger than the St. Peter’s Cathedral. The division into friends and foes according to the gender criterion is no child’s play. And it will lead to no good.

Are there few women that achieved success in business and are managing leading companies and banks? Suffice it to recall Artemida and Praveks Bank with women at their helm. Nobody prevents the fairer sex from trying their hand at politics either, where women have equal rights with men. Why has no woman ever occupied the president’s or premier’s seat in Ukraine? Perhaps there are no worthy candidates. “What about Yuliya Tymoshenko?” many will object. After all, she has been dubbed the only man among Ukrainian politicians. Precisely for this reason the odds are against her becoming president or premier, for in this way she would lose her feminine charm and womanhood. Many do not like the powers that be, but this does not mean that one must become overly preoccupied with fighting them and stop smiling, lest fighting become a lifestyle. Or can the shrew of a woman Natalia Vitrenko compare favorably with Indira Gandhi or Benazir Bhutto, who, aside from ruling their countries, did not forget they were women and mothers?

I feel uneasy when associating a woman with the notions of bitterness, wrath, cruelty, swearing, and anger. We live in a time of extremes. We are witnessing Darwin’s natural selection, with the weak becoming weaker and the strong stronger. And in this case gender does not matter, for professionals will ultimately prevail. I wish there were more people among men and women alike, who did not rage hysterically, but simply improve both on the outside and on the inside. Then we will live to see a bright and happy future.

Meanwhile, those breeding strife between men and women should be reminded that we deserve each other. Let us LOVE each other, raise children, build houses, plant trees, and not fight.

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