“Reveal the essence of the country, human being, nature...”
The 13th Den’s Days will begin in Volyn on Friday, May 18
The comfortable halls of the Research Library of Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University will host the best photos of the All-Ukrainian Den Newspaper’s International Photo Contest for the 13th time. Lutsk is a special city for Den: here, we held the first book launch of Ukraine Incognita to occur outside Kyiv, which gave rise to the great library series of the newspaper, and all book novelties of this publication were launched there as well, the launches being, in fact, just reunions of like-minded people who built civil society together. Lutsk and, in general, Volyn libraries lead the nation in the number of Den’s book titles they hold.
Also on May 18, the Days of the University will begin there, and they will begin precisely with a presentation of the photos displayed at Den’s International Photo Exhibition, which will be followed by a student reader conference, the launch of Den’s latest product, the book The Crown, or Heritage of the Rus’ Kingdom, and a meeting with our editor-in-chief Larysa Ivshyna. Thereafter, a solemn session of the University Senate will take place on the occasion of the awarding to Elmar Brok of honorary professorship of Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University. Member of the school’s Supervisory Board, Den/The Day’s editor-in-chief Ivshyna is also an honorary professor of the university.
The partners of the Den’s Days in Volyn are Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University and Volodymyr-Volynskyi City Council, and the next issue of the newspaper’s glossy supplement Route No. 1 will deal precisely with this ancient princely city called Volodymyr.
Anna DANYLCHUK, vice-rector for educational activities, European integration and student outreach at Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University:
“We are looking forward to opening the 19th Den’s International Exhibition at our university. We are glad that due to the efforts of Den’s incredible team and photo artists, residents of Lutsk will see hundreds of images that are more than photos, as they reveal and redefine situations that explain our present and, at the same time, leave space for reflection. This year, the exhibition will come to Lutsk almost a month later than its traditional April date, and many people have already written to us and called us asking one question only: ‘When will we be able to see Den’s Photo Exhibition?’
“You give us a wise and emotional feast, you bring us into the circle of the elect through revealing the essence of the country, human being, nature. I want to thank Larysa Ivshyna for the incredible and consistent contribution she and her team have been making to the formation and development of our still immature civil society. Projects of Den newspaper are an example of extremely generous intellectual and emotional investment in the people of Ukraine with only one purpose: to teach us to see and appreciate our history and strategically plan for our future. Leaders who have formed on conscious knowledge, and not situational nominees – this is the result of Den’s work, and I believe that the territory of the intelligent thinking will expand.
“I am very grateful for the thoughts, impressions, acquaintances that Den has given me, and I know that there will be more of us. We invite everyone to meet with Den’s editor-in-chief Ivshyna and to attend the opening of the 19th Den’s International Photo Exhibition, which has a very useful title, namely PhotoSynthesis.”
We will be waiting for you on the premises of Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University’s library at 30a, Vynnychenka Street at 11 a.m. on May 18. The discussion with Larysa Ivshyna will start at 12:30 p.m. Den’s Photo Exhibition will stay in Lutsk until May 25. The entrance is free!
Newspaper output №:
№29, (2018)Section