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Ukrainian fashion designer for Armstrong

Oleksandr DAVYDOVYCH: “I leave three hours daily for self-education”
01 November, 00:00

Oleksandr Davydovych is a graphic illustration of the proverb “where there is a will, there is a way.” His ambition helped him to start his own company and run it successfully at the age of 16, without connections, his own starting capital, and the parents’ help. A smiling, fashion-conscious, young BMXer opened his OKRUGBRAND, a clothes company for extreme sports fans, when he was 16. Truth be said, for this he even had to quit high school in his last year, and give up the idea of going to the university.

Where did you get the idea of making clothes, especially this trend?

“My two big passions are biking and garb. I have always been into new brands. I had been riding my BMX ever since I turned 11. This posed some problems related to a lack of suitable clothes, equipment, or transporting the bike. BMXers ride around in skin-tight jeans (to prevent pant legs being caught in the spikes), and they were quite expensive, around 1,000 hryvnias. At 15, a guy can hardly afford that, so everyone just had their ordinary denims taken in. We started making them skinny from the start, only at 250 hryvnias, and that’s how we took off.

“You could not go by metro with a bike, and we came up with a big case where a BMX fits. Now you didn’t have to take it apart to enter the underground. It’s very handy and easy.

“I had ideas like these when I was around 15. I knew I would run my own business, so I decided against the university. And when in the last year of high school I realized that I had too little time to combine studies and business, I opted for the latter, and never regretted it. I worked 24/7. This was how I burned my bridges behind me. When I ask my acquaintances, ‘Why did you go to the university,’ 9 out of 10 people say they don’t know. Now, I leave three hours daily for self-education. I read up on marketing, logistics, and law.”

Where did you get your starting capital? Did your parents help out?

“Nothing of the kind. I live without a father, and my mom is unemployed. We started with my classmate’s money. At 16, we shook each other’s hand and confirmed our ‘union’ with an agreement that took two pages. We ran a huge risk while creating OKRUG, because at any moment, any adult could have registered it instead of us.

“Recently I parted with this classmate because of the rivalry in the team. Too many chiefs for too few Indians. After the split he got the production and I the brand. After this I realized that we needn’t have started production in Ukraine at all.”

Why so?

“Most big firms have no production of their own. One enterprise cannot work exclusively for one project. So we decided to have our clothes made abroad, by a big factory. In Ukraine, most enterprises do not pay. The people get miserly wages and salaries.”

Didn’t your mother mind that you quitted school and took up business?

“She knows me pretty well and understands that I won’t be manipulated by others. I am very headstrong. She said, ‘If you are so confident of yourself, go ahead, it’s your life.’ I was confident, and I risked it. Also, we had an arrangement that once I quit school, I must earn money, even at such a young age. I have been sticking to that agreement.”

What responsibilities do people in your team have?

“Robert is the designer. We decide on colors and the amount of material together. I am responsible for the ‘math’ in the business, and for meetings. Yaroslav, another former classmate, is developing a website which would cost 10 to 15 thousand dollars (if bought). So far he is working for the idea, and as an outcome, will be getting a share from the company’s revenues. Each member of the team is the boss in his particular field. The other two trust him there.”

How big is the competition in the market?

“There is virtually none. The thing is, our approach to the production of BMX apparel is quite unique. Big firms, catering for extreme sports fans, only make special sneakers. No one had given a thought to making clothes for BMXers more comfortable. Actually, jeans could have protective pockets, rolled up pants could carry reflectors, which are absolutely essential at night, so drivers can see you. Under the neck of the T-shirt you could have an eyelet for your headphones cord. I am feeling no competition, although I would like to. I expect that there will be someone who will have a serious approach to it all. But to do it, you need at least 100,000 dollars.”

What advice can you give to the young people who are about to start their business?

“If you are not sure whether you can finish what you start, then think twice. Try to define what you can sacrifice. I have completely given up my leisure, my bike, and television. When it comes to work, I’m an absolute hairsplitter. I even have an agenda, where every item is mentioned.

“Also, you should trust your intuition. Sometimes I hear that I should never do something, but I say, ‘Trust me, everything will come off, you’ll see.’ Another thing, you should not be afraid to begin something. I started early, so I will retire earlier.”

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