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This week in history

31 October, 00:00

October 31: 1961. According to the CPSU XXII Congress decision, Iosif Stalin’s body was removed from the Mausoleum.

1995. Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada ratified the law On Ukraine’s Joining the Council of Europe Statute.

November 1: 1848. An armed revolt started in Lviv, oppressed by the Austrian Army.

1991. Verkhovna Rada ratified the Declaration of the Rights of Nationalities.

November 2: 1708. A Russian army led by Aleksandr Menshikov captured the town of Baturyn, Hetman Mazepa’s capital.

1941. The Soviet Ukraine radio station began broadcasting in Moscow.

November 3: 1918. The Bukovyna Peoples Viche proclaimed the reunification of Northern Bukovyna with Ukraine.

1941. The Church of the Assumption of Our Lady in Kyiv Monastery of the Caves, an outstanding monument of early Rus’ architecture, was blown up.

November 4:Ukrainian National Guards Day.

1990. For the first time The Day of Memory of the Victims of Manmade Famine was observed nationwide.

November 5: 1920. The representatives of UNR government and Russian Political Committee signed a convention on concerted military action against the Bolsheviks in Warsaw.

1953. An all-welded bridge over the Dnipro designed by Yevhen Paton was put into commission in Kyiv.

November 6: 1943. Kyiv was cleared of fascist troops.

1996. The first session of the bilateral Ukrainian-American Kuchma-Gore Commission was held in Washington.

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