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“The Temperament of Cuba”

Exhibition with such name opened at the Jacob Greter Art Center
06 December, 00:00
Photo courtesy of the Jacob Greter Art Center

According to the organizers, the exhibition combines opposites – hot abstraction and restrained, full of philosophy, paintings – which perfectly complement each other.

Therefore, people in Kyiv have a unique opportunity to see the works of 16 famous Cuban artists, including the representative of the modern art of the Island of Cuba – Amelia Pelaez del Casal, who works in the direction of synthetic cubism. Her paintings and ceramics are in numerous private and public collections in Cuba, Latin America and the United States.

Interesting variety of styles and materials are concentrated in the works of Victor Manuel Garcia, Carlos Manuel Guzman Hernandez, Mariano Gonzalez, Jose Antonio Rodriguez Fuster, Golgota, Alicia Leal, Lydia Esther Aguilera Sanchez, Juan Antonio Alfonso Serrano, Jose Alberto Pedromo, Danaya Gonsales, Adrian, Ruben Fernandez Leal, Ivan Hernandez Hidalgo, and Noel Echevarria Pernas. Paintings of Ukrainian artists like Zoriana Harbar, Ostap Patyk, Maryna Hromenko, Oleksandr Smyrnov, and Fedir Bohynsky can be viewed as a challenge to Cuban art, an intriguing competition with the modern culture of the southern country.

It should be noted that it was the paintings of Ukrainian artists that were the most temperamental and vivid! This paradox is perhaps due to a somewhat idealized, mythical perception of the distant and mysterious Cuba among Ukrainians.

The solemn exhibition opening ceremony was held in a truly Cuban atmosphere. The Salsa Club studio presented an incredible theatrical performance with lively dancing and music. Ukrainian signer Karina Plai welcomed the guests with fiery, passionate songs. She was joined by the artistically talented Maryna Hromenko who has a mesmerizing voice and performed some quality music. The evening was crowned by a master class of hot and passionate salsa from Dayami Morales and Emilio Pevida Pupo, counselor to the Embassy of Cuba in Ukraine.

The idea of the exhibition was put forward by the Jacob Greter Art Center together with The Dayami Morales gallery and supported by the Embassy and Consulate of Cuba in Ukraine. The organizers say that it is the second stage of Morales’s AfroCubarte project launched past year with thunderous success.

The exhibition will be open until January 28.

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