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On sarin and Geneva-2

France found evidence of use of chemical weapons in Syria. What will the consequences be?
06 June, 11:14

In the light of the anti-government protests in Turkey, the attention of the international mass media was again drawn to the Syrian conflict. The reason for this was the sensational statement of the French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who said in his interview for the TV channel France2 that France has undeniable evidence of use of the chemical weapons in Syria. The minister said that earlier French journalists, who worked in Syria, gave samples, which they secretly took out of the country, to the government.

“First, we had samples from journalists of Le Monde and we would like to thank them for that. Second, in other situation, we also received other samples that have been analyzed. The conclusion of the laboratory that carried out the analysis is clear: the samples contain sarin gas. Another question is whether we can determine who used it. In one case, we have no doubt that it was done by the regime,” said Laurent Fabius.

Fabius spoke about the incident that happened on May 19, when the explosion of the ammunition stuffed with toxic substances caused the death of 16 people and injuries in nearly 100 people. Meanwhile, the government of Bashar Assad and the Syrian opposition accuse each other of using the chemical weapons.

At the same time the UN Commission on Human Rights released a report in which it states that during the Syrian conflict chemical weapons have been used in limited quantities. In particular, the document states that the Syrian government and the rebels have both used the prohibited weapons, however, most evidence prove the wrongful actions of the government forces.

US Department of State, commenting on the statement made by the French authorities, said that Washington has not yet reached a final conclusion on whether the chemical weapons were used in Syria, and if so, then who did it.

Meanwhile, French media reported citing diplomatic sources that on June 3 France sent the test results to Moscow and Washington. Besides, the official Paris awaits the report of the experts on this issue before it would file this case for the consideration of the UN Security Council.

“It’s a way to put pressure on Syria and those who support this country. We don’t know how Russia will react to the use of the chemical weapons. Before Moscow and Beijing blocked three resolutions which were suggested by the West,” noted the source in the comment for Le Figaro.

According to the source, now France is discussing with its partners – the US and Great Britain – what they can do in this situation and are considering all those options, that is whether they should react or not, whether they should consider launch of operations against the sites, where the chemical weapons were produced or stored. To the question of the newspaper about whether it means bombing of those facilities, the source admitted that it is still too soon to talk about this, because France should find out the opinion of the US and Russia on the issue. The latter organize the Geneva-2 Conference and are going to bring together the Syrian government and opposition for open discussion.

The Day asked the Special Representative of Ukraine for the Middle East and Africa Hennadii LATII to comment on the latest events connected with Syria and in particular to give his forecast as for the consequences that may follow the statement of France’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Laurent Fabius that Syrian governmental forces have used sarin.

“There has been no evidence as for the use of chemical weapons. Therefore it is hard to predict what effect it may produce on the situation. I think it will be submitted for consideration, UN Security Council among others. But I doubt that the Security Council will approve any decision. This is not the first time this kind of accusations has been voiced.”

Could you comment on the fact that namely France is taking the most active and acute stand in this question, specifically it states about the use of chemical weapons in Syria, whereas Obama’s Administration wants first to verify this information?

“Several European countries have voiced their stand. This is not the first time the official Syrian power is accused of using chemical weapons. But there hasn’t been evidence to prove this so far. If real evidence is presented that namely the official government in Syria has used chemical weapons, it will probably lead to a certain decision of the Security Council of UN General Assembly, or maybe the European Union will make some kind of decision. Let’s not hurry, we have to wait.”

Can winning by Syrian governmental forces the West-Syrian city Al-Qusayr, which is of great strategic importance, be regarded as a turning point in the Syrian crisis? Will it have any effect on the balance between the sides?

“The balance has been in favor of Syrian power of late. Therefore the opposition forces ask the supporting countries to give more financial and military help. But it is impossible to predict that the war will end in the near future. Most likely, the balance of forces will change in favor of one side or another in the following months. Therefore we really hope that the conference Geneva-2 will take place. Unfortunately, the terms of the conference have not been defined yet. We would like it to be held as soon as possible.”

But the Syrian opposition has already stated it would not sit down at the negotiating table unless it has guaranties that Bashar al-Assad will be dismissed from all of posts. Chief of Staff of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army Salim Idris stated this on BBC. This will hardly be helpful for solving the Syrian conflict.

“I think everyone seeks to reinforce its position before the conference. In my opinion, with the help of the countries which are guarantors of this conference, Russia and the US above all, it will be possible to find a compromise and make the opposition and the official power to sit at the negotiating table. Therefore both Assad and the opposition are setting forth their demands. But it seems to me it will be beneficial for everyone to sit and talk and finally find a more or less peaceful way to solve the Syrian problem.”

In your opinion, how will it be solved? Will Syria get closer to confederation, in spite of the irreconcilable position of the sides, or find another way-out?

“It is up to Syrian people to decide how to live on. Other countries should only create all favorable conditions for all strata of the Syrian people to come to some compromise. Our stand is that there should be a united Syrian state with all strata of Syrian people living in peace.”

Can Ukraine take part in solving of the problem and offer any ideas which would be of help?

“Ukraine is not a direct participant of the process. We support the peaceful way of solving the conflict. After all, we don’t have such political possibilities as the European Union, the US, or Russia.”

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