“Don’t waste your chance”
Biden urges government to become founders of the first, free, united, democratic Ukraine
On December 8, in his 30-minute-long speech before the Verkhovna Rada the US Vice President Joe Biden several times emphasized the Ukrainian government’s responsibility for not wasting the second opportunity opened by the Revolution of Dignity. “You face a historical opportunity to get remembered, to make history as a Rada created after many years of fighting for freedom, which Ukrainians so longed for,” said he addressing the president, prime minister, Cabinet, and all the MPs.
Biden paid special attention to the issue of fighting corruption, which, in his words, siphons the resources from the people. “I never tell people from other countries what they must do, but you cannot find any democracy in the world where the cancer of corruption flourishes. You cannot find any such country,” said he.
In particular, Biden urged Ukraine to implement the court reform, so that wrongdoers could be called to account, and policy makers separated their interests from those of the state. He added that both oligarchs and non-oligarchs must pay taxes, play along the same rules, and never pressurize judges.
Biden’s words about the USA’s refusal to ever accept Russia’s annexation of Crimea were received with a standing ovation. “Such acts cannot be justified,” said he.
The US vice president also remarked the following: “We will not recognize any country which would demonstrate its influence. It is extremely important that aggressors all over the world realize that they cannot use tanks and weapons to extinguish people’s dreams and aspirations. We actually say that all nations have a right to their own sovereignty. That is it. Period.”
Moreover, Biden emphasized that his country would stand by Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s aggression, in particular, by rendering assistance in training and helping Ukraine’s security forces.
In conclusion Biden reminded that government must fulfill the people’s will. “If you succeed, you will be the founders of the first, free, united, democratic Ukraine,” stressed he. He closed his speech with the words: “God bless both our nations and protect our troops.”
Oleksandr MOTSYK, former ambassador of Ukraine to the US:
“Vice President Joe Biden is Ukraine’s great friend. His speech at the Verkhovna Rada was powerful, sincere, and well-wishing. It rang with America’s and its vice president’s sympathy with Ukraine’s future.
“It was clearly said that Ukraine’s key tasks are, firstly, the fight against Russian aggression and, secondly, the fight against corruption, which is worse in Ukraine than in any other democracy in the world.
“In both these plights America stands by Ukraine and will help it. There was also a clear message to help continue the pressure, jointly with Europe, in order to force Moscow to fully live up to the Minsk accords, withdraw its troops, restore Ukraine’s control of the border, and stop supporting terrorists in the east. Another clear message concerned Crimea. Firstly, Russia must cease the occupation, secondly, the US will never accept the attempt to annex this Ukrainian peninsula.
“As far as corruption is concerned, Biden’s speech emphasized the opportunity for Ukraine to dramatically improve its own situation, since no flourishing democracy can obviously be built without defeating corruption. This is quite a clear message expressed in slightly different words. And here, in the fight against corruption, America would also help, but government must take real and efficient steps.
“In his speech Biden also emphasized that in the 21st century no one has a right to use violence in order to shift borders. Yet Russia did it, and not a single country may accept such a change. That is why the US continues to support Ukraine’s territorial integrity within internationally recognized boundaries, which existed prior to the aggression.
“Another powerful message was an urge to the Ukrainian government to ensure the country’s success. He reminded about the Maidan of 2004, when the situation in the country seemed to be on the point of improving, yet everything slipped back in place. That is why he emphasized that now, following the Revolution of Dignity, is the chance to ensure the people’s aspirations. And the people have fought for their own dignity and that of their families, the dignity of working and getting proper reward, for Ukraine’s authority and respect in the world, and for equal rules of game for both the rich and the poor.
“Concerning Biden’s remark about the Congress preparing a new 300 million dollar package for Ukraine’s security needs. In our complicated situation and in the context of countering Russian aggression and overcoming the international financial and economic crisis, US aid is crucial for us. This assistance is the biggest, compared to that of any other individual country, and the most important. Moreover, America also leads and sets example for other countries, which in such a fateful moment in Ukraine’s history should also increase their aid.
“That is why it is necessary for us that America’s government keeps increasing assistance to enable us to meet the urgent challenges Ukraine is now facing.”
On December 7 Anders Aslund, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, and former US ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst proposed to resume the activities of the Ukraine-US intergovernmental commission under the lead of Vice President Joe Biden and President Petro Poroshenko. What do you think of this initiative?
“Of course, the higher the level of our bilateral political and all other contacts, the better it will be for Ukraine and our bilateral relations in general. Therefore, the resuming of the bilateral commission on this level would be an important step and a message for the subsequent intensification of the alliance of our two countries. Also, it would enhance the effectiveness of our mutual relations.
“The US helps us very much, but we will keep needing its assistance in countering Russian aggression, and bilateral relations on such a high level would certainly be instrumental in this respect.
“Concerning Biden’s words about 2016 as the decisive year for shaping Ukraine’s future. Indeed, the coming year will be of crucial importance for us. And my greatest wish and hope is that we break through and indeed build a country we could be proud of, and also solve all the burning issues of today, the most important of which is restoration of peace, stability, territorial integrity, and radical changes in fighting corruption and reforming the country. We must stand much closer to Europe and European standards, because our goal is to integrate in the EU, to ensure high living standards for our people, like those in Europe or America, the world’s most developed democracies.”
Hanna HOPKO, head of the Verkhovna Rada Foreign Affairs Committee:
“The US vice president made a very personal speech. Biden really sympathizes with our situation, since many of his overseas trips had to do with Ukraine. He remarked, in particular, that Ukraine is not the only country to have paid a dear price for freedom. He drew historical parallels with the United States, referring to slavery, the division of the country, and the civil war. Biden often referred to the Heavenly Hundred and compared the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of Dignity. He noted that those protesters who now sit in parliament may not waste their chance, because they have responsibility before the fallen.
“Biden also noted that parliament as an institute must realize that it will not be able to hide behind collective accountability. Each MP will be judged by his or her children and grandchildren for the country we build.
“He also spoke of values, and it is a pity that he was addressing many individuals in parliament who sadly lack those values which he mentioned speaking of corruption and the progress of reforms.
“Biden remarked that the entire world is watching us waiting for our success, because it would be a victory over Russian aggression and corruption. And if you succeed, said he, it will set a model for other countries to follow.
“Biden’s speech contained quite a few clear messages for Russia, which must live up to its obligations concerning exchange of hostages and withdrawal of troops.
“He picked out a very appropriate, powerful quote from Shevchenko’s Testament: ‘And in the great new family, / The family of the free, / With softly spoken, kindly word / Remember also me.’ And in conclusion, speaking of the parliamentarian’s work, he said the following: deep in your heart, if you know you do the right thing, do it for the sake of the people who elected you, and not for the sake of some personal interest. Do it in the interests of Ukraine. And that is what his message was: you all as an institution, and each of you in particular, must place Ukraine’s interests above your own, because if you waste this chance like you did after the Orange Revolution, no one will ever understand and forgive you.”
Newspaper output №:
№74, (2015)Section