Pryluky: a new meeting
Den’s Days will start in the ancient city on the Udai River on March 29
Pryluky are waiting for us again. Let us recall that Den came to know that millennium-old city firsthand in 2004, but our relationship has grown more active over recent years. Den’s Days in Pryluky of 2017 are still remembered by the locals.
“We received a lot of good reviews about last year’s event. I have heard good things about it both from the workers of the tobacco factory and from other locals, including municipal officials, with whom I have had occasion to talk. All the photos of Den were highly appreciated. So if we already have a certain tradition, we will build on it! This year, we have been able to support this valuable project as well,” head of the government relations department at British American Tobacco Ukraine Yurii Rylach told Den. It is with the support of British American Tobacco Ukraine and the Pryluky City Council that this year’s events of our newspaper will be held in the city.
The exhibition of the best photos of the 19th Den’s International Photo Contest-2017 will open at the Pryluky City House of Culture at noon on March 29. As part of the event, our newest historical bestseller The Crown, or Heritage of the Rus’ Kingdom will be launched with the participation of the editorial team.
“Last year I was most impressed by the large number of visitors at the opening of the exhibition, because it was a weekday. I honestly did not expect to see so many people, and they were sincerely interested in the event to boot. I know that it was important and interesting for Pryluky residents to talk with Ivan Kapsamun, a journalist of Den. That dialog was clearly of mutual interest,” Rylach continued to share his impressions, and added: “Besides, a portion of the display will be hosted on our company’s premises. You see, British American Tobacco Ukraine marks its 25th anniversary this year. The anniversary falls exactly on the date when Den’s Days in Pryluky are to begin. Therefore, we decided to additionally congratulate our employees through the photo exhibition of Den.”
By the way, our partner, who understands what corporate social responsibility is, has decided to keep up the tradition of donating books from Den’s Library to the city. All schools and libraries of Pryluky will receive their copies of The Crown... this year!
Deputy mayor Tetiana Fesenko noted the importance of Den’s campaign to popularize precisely printed word in a time when many people are attracted to social networks. She also recalled: “Pryluky residents were astounded by the photos on display, because they were extremely sincere and frank. No one left the exhibition in apathetic mood! In particular, I heard testimonies of ATO veterans last year, who also visited the exhibition. They were struck especially strongly, even unsettled, by the pictures related to the events in the ATO area.”
Director of the Maslov Pryluky Local History Museum Tetiana Zots is also convinced that Den’s photo exhibition provides a multi-dimensional, diverse, multi-age all-Ukrainian measure of the events of the year. “Contemplating this exhibition, you feel the reflection of events in the field of culture, education, medicine, sports... the life of the country in its entirety. These are different masters, different territories and their views come from different parts of Ukraine. Something is reflected with irony, something is tragic, something is sad, but there is also fun, there is humor, joy, success. That is, it is things that have long pained people or caused some other emotions that have come to be photographed. Den’s photo exhibition shows the life of Ukraine for a year.”
“I will speak on behalf of the cultural and artistic community of the city as well,” said Fesenko, and addressed another aspect of the event. “It was also an opportunity for a healthy analysis and a new look at one’s own work. Certainly, artists were inspired by individual compositions, because it is always an impetus for thinking and creating something of one’s own.” Also, Fesenko admitted: Den’s event was a model of holding such events for municipal officials in the provinces, where they are sometimes too “formalized.”
Meanwhile, Olena Kanavets, a local photographer who even participated in Den’s photo contest in 2010-11, shared her memories of visiting last year’s exhibition twice. “I went there with my relatives as well as with my friends, I campaigned to get them all to visit it. I am always interested in social issues, and reportage photography is available there. In addition, it was nice to see at this exhibition fellow Pryluky residents as well, in particular, one photo portrayed the Paralympic champion Oleh Len,” said Kanavets. “I am waiting for Den’s Days in Pryluky. I will definitely come and I will bring my friends!”
You, our reader, are welcome too: we will wait for you at the Pryluky City House of Culture (28 Koptieva St.) at noon on March 29. The exhibition will last until April 20. It will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., seven days a week. Entrance will be free!
In a special surprise for the Pryluky residents, we will bring there the new issue of our glossy magazine Route No. 1, where “small great cities of Ukraine” is the cross-cutting theme. This time, it will center on Pryluky! You can already order it from Den’s online store at
Newspaper output №:
№20, (2018)Section