This day in history
1648: Bohdan Khmelnytsky is elected Hetman of Ukraine.
1667: Muscovy and Poland sign the Treaty of Andrusovo, under which Left-Bank Ukraine remained under Muscovite rule, while Right-Bank Ukraine, except Kyiv, was transferred to Poland.
1918: The Peace Treaty of Brest is signed in which Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria recognize Ukraine as an independent state.
1929: Moscow hosts a Week of Ukrainian Literature for the first time.
1942: Nazi occupation authorities in Kyiv arrest Olena Teliha and other Ukrainian intellectuals, mostly OUN-Melnyk activists.
1943: CC VKP(b) adopts a decree to set up a book stock of 4 million copies to replenish the libraries devastated during the Nazi occupation.
1993: The Ministry of Justice registers the Ukrainian Labor Front.
1993: President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine visits Great Britain.
Випуск газети №:
№7, (2010)Рубрика
Day After Day