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Attack on the nation’s gene code

31 мая, 00:00

Last week a large-scale exhibit titled “Holy Rus’” opened at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. The event was promoted by the president of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, and is to be later held in Saint Petersburg as well. According to the Russian media, the exhibit is dedicated to ancient Rus’ culture, while the website of the Tretyakov Gallery labels it as an “exhibit of masterpieces of 9th to 19th century Russian art, unique in its scale and significance.” With this exhibit Russia is virtually launching an attack on Ukraine’s “cultural DNA” and identity, by usurping the history and cultural heritage of Ukraine from the times of Kyivan Rus’.

In fact, this is the second time the exhibit has been shown, albeit with certain alterations. It was first presented at the heart of Europe’s cultural scene, at the Louvre in Paris, under the name of “Holy Russia: Russian Art from the Beginnings to Peter the Great.” However, in Moscow the name was modified to “Holy Rus’.” This small difference has huge ramifications. (Incidentally, last year’s exhibition of “Holy Russia” at the Louvre was sponsored by Gazprom.)

Information about the exhibit can still be found at the museum’s official website (louvre.fr). It was presented as “a successive acquaintance with ancient Rus’ culture, from Scythian stone sculptures to a replica of the Smolny Convent in Petersburg.” It was on display for almost three months.

As a matter of fact, The Day has already written about this exhibit. Khrystyna Berezovska, an art critic from Lviv, who happened to see it, wrote in her article for Den (No.139 of August 6, 2010): “The central tableau of the exposition is the photograph of our St. Sofia in Kyiv with a caption which read, ‘Russian monument, located on the territory of Ukraine.’ Next to it were quite a few Ukrainian icons, including Our Lady of Volodymyr and Our Lady of Petrov, dating back to the 12th century, also presented as specimens of Russian art. The Russian school of icon painting is known to arise only in the 17th century, so even chronologically these cannot be Russian icons. And yet… The metal ornaments of Tovsta Mohyla, Galician pendants with ornitomorphous enamel images, and many other items from proper Ukrainian collections were presented at the Louvre just as samples of ‘Russian art.’ It was exactly this ‘Russian art’ that was obediently, thoughtlessly promoted by French journalists on the pages of their newspapers and magazines. For an average French citizen there is no difference between the words Russie and Rousse.”

Khrystyna went on to describe how “the Ukrainian diaspora addressed a letter to the Louvre expressing their surprise at the fact that such a highly respectable and reliable artistic institution should not have verified the reliability of the published information. The answer they received was, ‘It is up to you to watch over your culture.’”

This is nothing else but informational, cultural, and genetic warfare, waged against Ukraine both on its own territory and abroad, of which Ukraine is not always aware. Paradoxically, Russia often feels more at ease in Europe than Ukraine, it can take liberties Ukraine would never think of. In particular, Russia can afford a lot due to the capital it disposes of. This way or the other, an exhibit at the Louvre is a luxury few can afford.

But there is something else which is very disturbing. It is hard to argue that “it’s up to us to watch over our own culture,” yet on the other hand, the Louvre is no ordinary exhibition room. Just like any other museum, it is first and foremost a scientific (!) institution — which is at the moment being involved in the legitimization of what is perhaps one of the biggest adulterations in history. By honoring the “Holy Rus’,” the Louvre denies, albeit through ignorance, the Ukrainian identity and Ukraine as part of Europe. Over and over again, this is not the best message for Ukraine.

Russia talks of its holiness yet at the same time remains faithful to Stalin. During one of the debates on destalinization, one of the experts said during a live broadcast on Russia’s Channel Top Secret that all those who encroach upon the image of Stalin should bear in mind that 90 percent of today’s Russian identity is Stalin. Therefore he who assaults him, destroys Russia. Producing Christian window-dressing both for export and domestic consumption, Russia will not part with its Soviet legacy (which was anti-Christian in its essence), or with its earlier imperial legacy (also far from utterly devoted to Christian morals). Therein lies the great Russian paradox, which Europe persistently ignores, taking it for something between eccentricity to the boundlessness of the Russian soul, yet not for what it truly is. And Ukraine has long been a victim of this paradox.

The Louvre exhibit had been an immense (even by Parisian museum standards) success with the public and the press, with nearly 260,000 visitors. I wonder how Ukraine is going to overcome this global, absolute lie? Maybe, Sprytko and Harniunia, the envoys of our identity abroad, will help us?

One more essential thing. Natalia Sheredega, the curator of “Holy Rus’,” remarked in her interview with gazeta.ru, that among the exhibits displayed at the Tretyakov Gallery there were fragments of the murals from the Desiatynna Church in Kyiv. Yes, that very church which just a couple of nights ago was unceremoniously seized by the Moscow Patriarchate. And this means that our DNA is still being attacked from various angles and with various degrees of aggression, although the methods of “conversion” have essentially not changed. The exhibit at the Tretyakov, which is strangely consonant with the recent events concerning the Desiatynna Church in Kyiv, looks like the sequel of an ancient story about the civilized world and the barbaric one, the Christian world and the one to the East where, according to the medieval maps, “hic sunt dragones” (here be dragons), that is a scary, threatening land, whose “holiness” has nothing more to do with the holy.


Volodymyr PANCHENKO, literary critic:

“The night raid of the construction workers, who are allegedly to build Desiatynna Church, can hardly be considered a total surprise. Didn’t a UOC MP chapel appear in the same way, at the same spot, in the historical heart of Kyiv, without any legal permission, back at the time of Yushchenko’s presidency? It did, and it has sat there ever since. Now it’s the turn of the church. So what are our glorious authorities do, with all their men? Are they going to take it for granted? To turn a blind eye to this lawlessness? Quite possible. If insolence is encouraged, it will exceed the bounds. Viktor Yanukovych, whose inauguration was blessed by a citizen of another state, has only encouraged his beloved Moscow Patriarchate. He even let them serve the mass in Saint Sophia Cathedral, which none of his predecessors had done.

“Now, this is just another provocation, which I only consider as part of the great scenario of Ukraine being taken over by Russia. The authorities have done nothing so far to rebuff this expansion. Social policy has been virtually surrendered to Tabachnyk, while the Social Council under the President of Ukraine (including Borys Oliinyk, Ivan Drach, and Dmytro Stus) has not voiced a single ‘strategy,’ playing into the hands of those who are trying to declare Ukraine part of the ‘Russian world.’ However, Oleksandr Popov should have expressed his position concerning Desiatynna Church. Indeed, we can’t expect Leonid Chernovetsky to comment on these strange matters from his ‘beautiful, brave new world…’

“I have long had a feeling that a special mission against Ukraine is being carried out by many players. The UOC MP is one of them. The church problem is profitable for those interested in splitting the country. Symbols, too, are of particular importance: indeed, the construction of the Desiatynna Church, UOC MP, will imply the misappropriation of the history of Kyivan Rus’.

“There might be some state figures, who will understand that this path is detrimental for Ukraine? If not, the public has to speak up. Otherwise, present-day historians will have to find out why Ukraine as a state has disappeared.”


Yevhen SVERSTIUK, human rights advocate, president of the Ukrainian Pen Club:

“The problem of the Desiatynna construction was raised 5 years ago, just like it was even 10 years ago. It has always been far-fetched and false. Overall, we can speak of the square around the basement — and this basement tells more about the remains of the ruined church than all the reconstruction that was planned to carry out. It’s totally weird when on such a tiny spot of Old Kyiv they want to build a new Desiatynna Church, rather than restore the ancient one. And this is right next to St. Andrew’s Church.

“It took 20 years to restore St. Michaels’s monastery. It’s all wonderful. Now they must go on to restore St. Andrew’s. But it is totally undignified to start purely political schemes on the site of Desiatynna. This was my opinion 10 years ago, and it hasn’t changed. I’m convinced that neither artists nor architects came up with this idea. Instead, this affair was designed by political schemers. The public must declare this a sacred place, and fight for it.

“And now they (the Moscow Patriarchate — Author) declare that they claim this site! They would swallow the entire world, build churches on every vacant spot, but they are unable to fill those churches with people at least to one-tenth of capacity, let alone fill them with spirit.”


Myroslav MARYNOVYCH, vice rector, UCU, former political prisoner:

“It’s difficult for me to comment on the presentation of Ukrainian antiques of the Kyivan Rus’ period at an exhibit in Moscow without any mention of their origin. I am not really knowledgeable about intergovernmental and European agreements on the use of historical values. The London arts museum also displays Greek sculptures, which should belong to Greece, but are exhibited in various countries. We might debate on the reasons why Ukraine wasn’t mentioned, why Russia again misappropriated our history, but these are the problems of Russian historiography.

“Instead, I resent the actions of the Ukrainian authorities which failed to guarantee at least a minimum of legality and publicity regarding the construction of a new temple literally on the ruins of Desiatynna Church. I’m convinced that the Ukrainian population will never agree to this. And we just can’t agree! This is a historical site with relics dear to the entire Ukraine. As a citizen, I express my protest against the Moscow Patriarchate which, totally dazzled by its idea of building a ‘Russky Mir’ in Ukraine, needs to stake out a claim to all historical sites related to Kyivan Rus’ and its heritage. Now I can see what destruction awaits this site. I urge the Kyiv municipal authorities, the Ukrainian government, and the president to immediately interfere with the situation!”


Arsenii YATSENIUK, leader of the political party Front of Changes:

“The problem of Desiatynna Church is a test of the maturity of Ukrainian society and of the culture of the Ukrainian regime. To a great extent, the world judges a nation by the way it can protect its shrines. That is why the disfiguring of a thousand-year-old relic with those ugly new buildings is a challenge to the whole world, an act of vandalism, as well as a brutal violation of Ukrainian laws. The state must immediately begin to preserve this monument and turn it into a state-of-the-art museum. We, as well as our descendants, should be able to see what Desiatynna Church used to be like. Meanwhile, those who would like to get some experience in sacral architecture can go to the capital’s huge residential neighborhoods and try to express themselves there.”


Valentyn NALYVAICHENKO, head of the political council of the party Our Ukraine:

“We consider the construction activity on the site of Desiatynna Church, a unique monument of national history, to be inadmissible.

“Today the political party Our Ukraine has sent a parliamentary address to the public prosecutor’s office of Kyiv, demanding to verify the legality of the construction work at the foundations of Desiatynna Church in Kyiv, on the premises of the State Historical and Architectural Preserve Ancient Kyiv. The media have reported that construction work started there last night.

“Scholars have emphasized that any construction activity on this site is a direct violation of international norms, in terms of the legislation concerning the preservation of historical monuments, which demand that authentic monuments be preserved, and forbid their reproduction or replication.

“Our Ukraine demands that all construction at the site of Desiatynna Church be immediately ceased, and information concerning the grounds for the construction, its initiators and contractors, be provided.

“We urge the general public of Kyiv, and all people who are not indifferent to the fate of the monument, to unite in a protest against this lawlessness. Our Ukraine is going to take protest action against the destruction of the monument, and will demand that the authorities put an end to the illegal construction, take heed to the opinion of experts, act in accordance with the law, and represent the public interests of Kyiv citizens, as well as the entire nation.”


Ihor ISICHENKO, Archbishop of Kharkiv and Poltava, UAOC:

“The architect Larysa Skoryk once rightly observed that each nation has a right to its own ruins. I think that an attempt at destroying these ruins is just another episode in the barbaric treatment of our past, typical for a part of the high ranking officials in present-day Ukraine. Sadly, this incident fits all too well in the attempts to rewrite history, erasing whole chapters of the nation’s struggle for independence, the national liberation movement of 1917-21, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, etc. In a word, they seek to destroy those ruins, sacred for Ukrainians, which are a symbol of our past. To wipe them off, and start a new construction on a concrete site, which will hardly last long, and won’t embellish Kyiv or contribute to Ukrainian culture in general.

“It’s very sad that the Church is implicated in these obscure developments. This discredits the Church as a whole, regardless of the jurisdiction of the intended temple.”


Yurii SHCHERBAK, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine:

“DNA alterations often result in morbid mutations, i.e., when DNA is replaced with some artificial substance, it is programed to produce something totally different. Today the ‘Russky Mir’ [propaganda machine] is continuing its extremely aggressive, fierce policy of building up strength. The incident concerning Desiatynna Church also fits into this paradigm. They want to create their own Rus’ by altering the memory of Kyivan Rus’ — although it is clear to everyone that such monuments as the St. Sophia Cathedral of Kyiv, the Desiatynna Church, or St. Michael’s Cathedral have absolutely nothing to do with the so-called ‘Holy Moscow Rus’.’ They are the monuments of Kyivan Rus’, of a church which came to our land from Byzantine Christianity. The baptism of Kyivan Rus’ took place within the framework of that single church which de jure and de facto alters the paradigm of the Moscow imperial church, which proclaimed itself the Third Rome.

“All such events (similar to the developments concerning the Desiatynna Church) [are organized] via institutions, the government, and individuals in Ukraine who are manipulated by Russian nationalists. Meanwhile, the state conspires to usurp us of our shrines. Yet the regime doesn’t realize that the time will come when it will be accountable not only to God, but also to the law, history, and the people.

“But they will never succeed in what they tried to accomplish at the time of bloody communist reprisals, when monuments were ruined in Ukraine, and our memory was wiped clean. We have revived our national, historical, and religious memory, so they must understand that there is no way to distort a revived memory.

“Of course such attempts should be strongly rebuffed. The public must fight for historical memory which we all know too well. The regime must realize that this is a dangerous game, violence won’t do, and they won’t be able to create a structure that they failed to create over all the years of tsarist and communist rule in a year or two.

“An independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church has always existed [in some form], no one will manage to destroy it or change the existing state of things. Even if they do succeed in seizing certain monuments for a short time, they will never be able to turn us into the slaves to Muscovy, because we have never been slaves. Only those individuals who are losing ground (in Russia), facing a grave crisis, are trying to import these methods to Ukraine and annex our spiritual space, labeling it ‘Russky mir.’ But there will never be any ‘Russky mir’ in Ukraine. We will remain a Ukrainian land, history, and faith.”

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