Passionate Painter

A one man show by painter and graphic artist Oleksandr Breskin opened at the Akvarel [Watercolor] Gallery.
Oleksandr Breskin is endowed with an impressive artistic temperament. First he paints a lyrical watercolor “landscapes of moods” (Last Snow. The Carpathians), then plunges into emotional and motley impressionistic style (Kyiv Suburbs), or chimerical fantasies (Flowers in Love), or even symbolical paintings with no subject at all which can be called “very decorative” at best (truly, they are). Finally, his constant striving to comprehend the incomprehensible starts looking like a disorderly rush from one side to another or, moreover, from one extreme to another.
For this midwinter exhibition Oleksandr chose a rather unusual name, The Colors of Spring. Maybe he meant the expectation of the favorite season, or is complimenting himself on the coloring of his new collection.