Jeep, Mobile Phone, and Cardin – Medium Ukrainian Businessman

Vlada, 6:
“He is like my daddy: works a lot, comes home late, and buys expensive stuff for me and my mom.”
Andriy, 6:
“A businessman must have a car (jeep), a classy three-room apartment, three-story dacha, swimming pool, and chaise lounge to bake in the sun. He can go to the World Soccer Cup and watch all the games from a stand. He has a big case with business papers which he reads in his big office. Women love him very much.”
Katia, 7:
“He is a fat guy in a raincoat. He doesn’t drive his car himself, because he has a driver. He is ill- natured. He works a lot and sometimes gets angry. But he is very kind to his family; it is always in first place for him. He has an expensive mobile phone and a lot of money, and he spends it without thinking.”
Mark, 8:
“When I grow up I’ll have ten cars. If you have money you can buy something nobody else has: a five-story house, beautiful clothes from Cardin in France, or our Yudashkin. And after you wear your suit for awhile, you can always return it to the store and change to a brand-new one. A businessman’s wife should not spoil his business but support it.”
Yaroslava, 9:
“A businessman is a man who has a business of his own, works only for himself and his family, and goes for vacation to the Canary Islands or Turkey. He also goes on business trips abroad and sometimes stays there for as long as a month. He also appears on television and speaks about his successes.”
Vitia, 9:
“He drives a Lamborgini, has a cool house, a swimming pool in his apartment, and many television sets and computers. He buys mobile phones for his whole family and deals a lot with other businessmen.”