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Lviv-Donbas show

Dmytro DOBRODOMOV: “We want to show Galicia through the eyes of Donetsk residents, and the Donbas – with Lvivites’ eyes”
28 октября, 17:42

Two regional TV channels, ZIK (Lviv) and Donbas (Donetsk), have launched their joint project, a new TV program, “Show to Them!” The title carries a somewhat aggressive antithesis. The Day talked to directors of both channels about the conception of the new show.

Taking into account the traditional opposition of Lviv and Donetsk, don’t you think it will exacerbate the regional division? Why did you choose specifically this format?

Dmytro DOBRODOMOV:“‘Show to Them!’ in fact includes ten stories about collision and comparison of two cultures, mentalities, and images from life. But this format does not aim at dividing. True, Lviv and Donetsk are polar cities. But, above all, it’s the politicians who underline this polarity. It was them who spread stereotypes and all kinds of myths about the capitals of these two counter regions. Consequently, both Lvivites and residents of Donetsk in their knowledge of Donetsk residents and Glcians are guided by thoughts imposed from above. Every hero of our reality show, including miners, cooks, taxi drivers, coaches, preschool teachers, showmen, etc., got the information about the city only from their acquaintances, friends, and, as I have already mentioned, politicians.

“Therefore we, first, want to show Galicia through the eyes of Donetsk residents, and the Donbas – through the eyes of a Lvivite. And, what is the most important, to find out which stereotypes are truthful, and which aren’t.

“Following the show format, people of different professions will go for several days on a ‘business trip’ from Donetsk to Lviv, and vice versa, in order to plunge into the life in an absolutely different atmosphere, under unknown circumstances. Actually, the heroes of the show will verify with their work in a strange city, communication, and discussions with local residents, what is true and what is fiction in the widespread myths about Lviv and Donetsk.

“‘Show to Them!’ is not a show of division and aggression, it is about learning, revelations, and shattering the myths.”

Yurii SUHAK: “‘Show to Them!’ is rather an address to those who believe in existing stereotypes or imposes them on others. Our show is called to ruin stereotypes. I very much recommend this project to all those who are still believe the myths about Ukraine’s east and west.”

All kinds of reality shows are not a new thing for Ukraine. Moreover, on Sunday night you will have many competitors on central TV channels. What means will you use to attract the audience to your button?

D.D.: “We are not afraid of competition with central channels, because this fear is a hindrance for development which we seek. We want to create a project, which would compete on equals with the projects of national channels. Moreover, part of author’s projects on ZIK, such as ‘People’s Control,’ ‘Review of the Day,’ ‘Lustration,’ ‘In Plain Terms’ in western Ukraine often show ratings, which correspond to the central indices.

“So, an entertainment show is to a certain degree a new niche for our TV channels. But in such a way we want to broaden our audience. Last year we already had an experience of creation of our first reality show ‘TO! WORK.’ Consequently, the knowledge we received then will come in handy today.

“We looked for colorful people to take part in the show, with different character types: from energetic choleric to cool-headed. But, at the same time, we looked for people who may be called typical representatives of their land, who live according to the laws and traditions of their regions. Of course, we’ve specially staged some of the situations or invented them, so that the participants could reveal themselves at maximum during the shooting, and showed their fears, complexes, or biases about the strange city, and also, by their actions, decisions, behavior, confirmed or ruined the stereotypes of what a ‘typical’ Lvivite or Donetsk resident is like.”

Yu.S.: “We are not hunting for the audience of national channels, rather we are making this project for caring viewers from our regions, those who are interested in the life of the Donbas or western Ukraine. I can say that the audience will be appealed to the unique format of the show and its topicality. The national channels offer global formats, whereas we are offering something different, more intimate and native. The most important thing the audience will notice is the sincerity of the participants: the city, the situations, and the behavior of people – they are natural, you won’t see any falsehood here, but you will see real Lviv residents and real residents of Donetsk.”

Will you compare each other’s ratings, like two creating channels?

D.D.: “There is no doubt about this. But not in the context of TV channels. Above all, it is interesting for us, how the show will be perceived and how will the audience of western and eastern parts of Ukraine react to it. Will the reviews be similar? Will there be a considerable difference between them?”

Yu.S.: “Above all, we will pay attention to whether the project was interesting and convenient for the audience to watch. We will change the show time, if it is necessary. But of course it is interesting for us how the ZIK audience will watch ‘Show to Them!’”

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