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“Den’s books become a revelation in the east”

The National Museum of Literature of Ukraine receives photo album People of the Maidan. A Chronicle as a present. The publication will be an item of the exhibit dedicated to the anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity
13 ноября, 10:53

Last year the employees of the museum took an active civic stand: they went to Maidan in the evening, fed the protesters, picked out stones, and took part in poetic marathons. So, the Revolution of Dignity for the institution is not simply an important event in the history of Ukraine, but their personal emotions and recollections as well. “At our exhibit we want to make an emphasis on the word, because the word, both of classical writers and young poets, played a huge role at Maidan,” noted director general of the National Museum of Literature of Ukraine Halyna SOROKA, “And Den’s photos are always impressive: at photo exhibits, albums, and front pages of the newspaper. Not just some moments, although interesting, are shown in these photos, there is history and depth.”

Today the National Museum of Literature does not stand aside of the events in the east of Ukraine. It organizes charity events to help the army and residents of the Donbas. So, at the end of October the museum employees organized the action “We won’t be defeated on this land.” Artists, performers, and writers took part in the event. The guests could buy pictures, embroideries, paper decorations, books, etc. The money raised, which is about 15,000 hryvnias, will be sent to pay for the treatment of a soldier from Stryi who was wounded in the ATO area and now is paralyzed. Part of the books collected at the action will be sent to two orphanages in Sloviansk. The museum is going to continue to hold these actions.

The museum often uses the books from Den’s Library in its scholarly and exhibition work. Director general of the National Museum of Literature Halyna Soroka admitted, “We try to buy all the books from Den’s Library. So, we have the collections “Armor-Piercing Political Writing” and “Subversive Literature.” We use these publications at exhibits and other events, and the employees of the museum buy them as well. Incidentally, I come from Sloviansk. I go there on an annual basis and always bring many books, including Den’s books. I give this literature to the local school, because it is about Ukrainian history. These books become a revelation in the east: I saw this from the reaction of the teachers.”

The Revolution of Dignity became an impetus to shaping Ukrainian who understands what nation, national idea, and state are. “Maidan gathered people who have ideals and who are ready to defend them and Ukraine,” the director general of the museum emphasized. “The unity of the people which is called a nation is shaped, a real state is born. And you won’t be able to reel it back, because the youth was the engine of Maidan. And if the youth has absorbed these ideas of unity and freedom, it will never lose them.”

Halyna Soroka considers that now everyone must do everything depending on him or her so that Ukraine was a strong state. So, the National Museum of Literature wants to shape a generation of new Ukrainians who are brave and have a strong spirit. According to the employees of the museum, this is what unites their establishment with Den. Ms. Halyna is sure, “We are doing the same work, although the methods are different. It is difficult to reeducate adults, they need to be ‘broken.’ And we can get to the young people, because they are sensitive to the wise word. And both, us and you, are working for this youth.”

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