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December 24-31
23 декабря, 09:55
Antique centre. December 23-26. “VASILII SOKORNOV. THE OLD CRIMEA”. Photo courtesy of the Antique centre

Curtain at 7 p.m. unless otherwise noted


National Opera of Ukraine
(vul. Volodymyrska 50, tel. 279-1169)
24 – Un Ballo in Maschera, opera by Verdi
25 – La Traviata, opera (in Italian) by Verdi
26-27 – Opera and Ballet Stars’ New Year Gala Concert
28 – Carmen, opera (in French) by Bizet
30-31 – The Nutcracker, ballet by Tchaikovsky

Ivan Franko National Drama Theater
(pl. Franka 3, tel. 279-5921)

24 – Marriage by Hohol
24 – Small stage. Morituri Te
Salutant (based on Vasyl Stefanyk’s stories)
25 – The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare
26 – Nazar Stodolia by Shevchenko
27 – On Sunday Morning She
Gathered Herbs by Kobylianska
28 – Edith Piaf. Life on Credit
by Rybchynsky and Vasalatii
28 – Small stage. A Moment of Love (based on Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s stories)
29 – Kaidash’s Family
by Nechui-Levytsky
30 – Kean IV by Gorin

Lesia Ukrainka National Russian Drama Theater
(vul. Khmelnytskoho 5, tel. 234-4223)

24 – Julia and Romeo (based on William Shakespeare’s tragedy)
25 – Doctor by Nušić
25 (at 8 p.m.) – Women. Fragment. Scandal without Intermission
by Mardan
26 – The Follies of Love by Regnard
26 (at 8 p.m.) – The Tower of Pisa
by Ptushkina
27 (at 6 p.m.) – The Last Love
by Mukhariamov
27 – The Hunger-On by Turgenev
27 (at 8 p.m.) – Premiere. Klavdia Shulzhenko. The Old Waltz. Music
and scenic composition
by Olha Havryliuk and Olha Kohut
28 – Imprisoned by Passions (The Stone Host) by Lesia Ukrainka
28 (at 8 p.m.) – Alexander Vertinsky. The Lord’s Ball by Havryliuk
29 – The Curious Savage by Patrick
29 (at 8 p.m.) – A Lady and
a Bureaucrat by Nicolai
30 – Le Malade Imaginaire by Moliere
31 – No. 13 (Out of Order) by Cooney

Drama and Comedy Academic Theater on the Left Bank
(Brovarsky prosp. 25, tel. 517-8980)

24 – Premiere. Don’t Let Love Soften You (based on Jean Kerr’s play Touch-and-Go)
25, 28 – Spectators Are Not Admitted to the Performance by Frayn
25 – Small stage. Sea…Night…
Candles… by Bar-Joseph
26 – Premiere. Women’s Logic
by Krym
27 – The Ideal Couple by Camoletti
27 – Small stage. Premiere.
Two for the Seesaw by Gibson
28 (at 3 p.m.) – A Call from
the Past by Krym
30 – What Do Women Want? (based on Aristophanes’ comedies)
31 – Four Reasons for Getting Married by Baer


National Philharmonic Society of Ukraine
(Volodymyrsky uzviz 2, tel. 278-1697)

24 – Vocal music concert
25 – National Brass Band of Ukraine conducted by Mykhailo Moroz
26 – National Philharmonic Society’s Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
conducted by Vitalii Protasov. Soloist: Jose Hernandez (piano)
27 – National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine conducted by Allin Vlasenko. Soloist: Oleksandr Poliakov (piano)
28 – Serhii Teslia (violin, Spain), Vadym Hladkov (piano)
29 – Kyiv Chamber Orchestra of Ukraine conducted by Roman Kofman

National House of Organ and Chamber Music of Ukraine
(vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 75, tel. 528-3186)

(Curtain at 7:30 p.m.)
27 – Olha Basystiuk (soprano), Hanna Bubnova (organ)
29 – Christmas Eve Soirees in Baroque Style. Concert Four: Small Masterpieces by Great Bach
30 – Christmas Eve Soirees in Baroque Style. Concert Five: Heritage of the German School of Organ


National Circus
(pl. Peremohy 2, tel. 486-3856)

Dec.25-Jan.11 – Christmas tale
“Baba Yaha Is Opposed to It”
Beginning at 1 p.m., 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.


Kyiv Sophia National Museum
(vul. Volodymyrska 24)

23-31 – Liudmyla Meshkova (enamels)
Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Wed.

National Russian Art Museum
(vul. Tereshchenkivska 9)

23-31 – “The Genius of Inspired
Rebellion” (in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of Mikhail
Lermontov’s birth)
Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; 11 a.m.-7 p.m. on Tues., Fri. Closed Mon., Thurs.

Ivan Honchar Museum
(vul. Ivana Mazepy 29)

Dec.23-Jan.26 – “Creativeness of Freedom: Revolutionary/Evolutional Culture of Maidan” (handmade
barricade items, unique artifacts, etc.)
Open 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Closed Mon.


Antique centre
(Andriivsky uzviz 13)

23-26 – “Vasilii Sokornov. The Old Crimea” (photos)
Open 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed Sun.

(vul. Vozdvyzhenska 10b)

23-24 – Petro Antyp (sculpture and paintings)
Open 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Closed Sun., Mon.

Brucie Collection
(vul. Artema 55b)

Dec.23-Feb.1 – Alvin Booth (photos, UK)
Open 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; 11 a.m.-6 p.m. on Sat.; noon-5 p.m. on Sun.

Vysotsky Gallery
(vul. Vozdvyzhenska 40)

23-31 – “Vladimir Vysotsky. Rare
Photos by Arkadii Gershman”
Open 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed Mon.

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