Business and futuristic technologies: how to combine science with marketing

Every simple business project can be unique with something extraordinary. Private medical centres, gyms or cosmetology studios will differ from competitors if you make them a little futuristic. And the thing is not the furniture design but the technologies.
How to save the business in the service sector after quarantine and endless lockdown? “Add the offer from the range of the latest technologies”, said marketing specialist in information technologies Kateryna Kondratenko.
"Today, if you don’t want to fall behind the business, it's not enough to move— it needs fast action that will take you forward from competitors. Futuristic business is about the present. Beauty salon, private clinic or fitness centre: technologies can be used everywhere. And customers who really take care of the quality of their life and health will prefer you", she said.
She gives an example of a marketing strategy of one of the private clinics, which added cryotherapy to the list of rehabilitation procedures. Although cold therapy has been known since the 70s of the twentieth century, a modern look of the cryogenic chamber and other equipment for rejuvenation improved its owners’ position among the competitors. Since the clinic changed the design of the cabin for a bit more space and added advanced technology, its image has been updated, and the client base expanded with the innovation fans.
The clinic ordered cryosaunas from the international company Vacuactivus which manufactures and sells cryotherapeutic chambers and equipment for fitness rehabilitation. The company, headquartered in Los Angeles (California, USA), was founded in 2000 and became one of the three largest cryosaunas manufacturers in the world. There are 2 production facilities in Dnipro (Ukraine) and Slupsk (Poland), and the products are supplied to more than 50 countries. Since 2014, Vacuactivus has made its own technology for the use of low-temperature gases for recovery and rejuvenation.
"In fact, cryotherapy was used in medicine even earlier, however, the old sanatorium chambers did not look so futuristic to create the effect of something over-modern. The framework of human thinking was expanded after Elon Musk’s “Falcon” launch, new opportunities for space tourism, smart homes and general tech progress. Today, everything that was filmed in fiction movies does not seem to be too unattainable, so the demand for the latest thing is growing ", says the representative of the Vacuactivus company Nick Lakhomoff.
He points that more and more private clinics and beauty salons contact his company because the establishment of cryo cameras became another opportunity to expand their activities. For its part, Vacuactivus produces equipment for medical and rehabilitation centers, gyms, studios of cryotherapy and wellness facilities.
The marketer Kateryna Kondratenko summed up that modern cryogenic chamber cost as a premium car. However, their profitability is quite high, because the health procedure inside the cabin lasts three minutes a day. The cryo camera user spends from 60 to 180 seconds at a temperature from -106 to -160 degrees Celsius. Therefore, for salons or clinics, the establishment of a cryogenic chamber will become an additional demonstration of the company's development and its care for the customers.