Profitable interest
How to attract tourists to KyivThe sixth exhibit and fair devoted to Kyiv, Ukraine’s ancient and new capital, was held within the framework of the tourism show “Ukraine - Travel and Tourism-2007” now taking place in the capital.
According to data gathered by the Main Department of Tourism, Independent Economy, and Resorts of the Kyiv State Administration, Kyiv-based tourism companies provide services to one-third of all foreign tourists to Ukraine and nearly two-thirds of Ukrainians who travel abroad every year. Last year 385,000 people traveled throughout Ukraine. Nearly 210,000 visited the capital, an increase of 7.6 percent more visitors from 2005.
According to the department head, Mykola Hrytsyk, thanks to the development of the tourism sphere Kyiv’s tourism organizations and independent operators generated more than 237 million hryvnias for the municipal budget. He said that more than 6,000 people are working in 1,200 tourism companies based in the capital. The number of accredited guides is over 200.
Olena Kvashuk, manager of Kyiv’s UkrKurortServis, explained to The Day: “As recently as five years ago there was a lack of clients, but now, fortunately, the situation has improved. Like before, tourists are interested in old Kyiv and the Podil, St. Sophia’s Cathedral, which is famous all over the world, St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral, and St. Andrew’s Church. With the three-day program that is most frequently offered, tourists can visit all the capital’s main monuments. Tours to such Kyiv’s suburbs, as Koncha-Zaspa and Pushcha-Vodytsia, are also very popular.”
A program for developing Kyiv’s tourism is in effect until 2010, but its implementation rate is not the best. Experts have only managed to develop a specialized excursion program for family tourism. A catalogue of excursion routes for children’s, youth, and family vacations has been published, and there is an excursion service for schoolchildren. The main tasks defined in the plan are the construction of several dozen hotels.
The Kyiv Municipal State Administration has drawn up a number of measures, including a program to develop 70 new small hotels in the capital. Two five-star hotels will be built this year. This year the KMDA intends to resolve another problem plaguing Kyiv: the lack of parking both in the city’s historical center and near hotels.
Kvashuk says that things will improve if the state starts paying more attention to promoting Ukraine overseas, creating a tourism ad industry, and promoting Ukraine at international tourism shows. “For example, the Polish tourism administration never misses a show. It is always seen in Kyiv. Polish tourism is present in many other countries,” Kvashuk adds. “Why don’t our state officials do the same?”