Ukraine is Vacant

Ukraine is actually vacant in terms of qualified and effective cadres capable of guiding this country into the future. Yet the fact is not widely perceived. This society is unaware of it, and the topic is absent in mass consciousness.
To perceive this fact, so important for our future, it is necessary to begin by perceiving another fact. Namely that Ukraine retains the cadre selection principle based on principles of personal loyalty. The cadre selection principle relying on effectiveness and competence is only a dream rather than reality in Ukraine.
However, the current situation, based on the principle of personal loyalty, is nearing the point of exhaustion. This country faces the choice between an ineffective backward economy in terms of structure and management, ruled by a crowd of bureaucrats and utilization of its potential. But using our potential is impossible without carrying out a personnel revolution. This consists in new principles of administrative personnel training, selection, and placement.
Economic growth over the past two years offers opportunities for an active development of both existing and new structures in different sectors, including industrial and agricultural production, consumer services, and information technologies. Expanding output requires new well educated administrators capable of securing progress. The older generation of managers is unable to do so.
In addition, new talented managers must know not only how to effectively run available structures, but also how to develop new lines of business through innovations and fresh know-how, thus augmenting the dynamism of economic growth.
The final point of our economic growth based on an obsolete technological base and favorable world market situation has been reached. This fact is evidenced by the slowing pace, currently close to nil. Further growth is impossible without being aware that the old resources and former administrative system relying on faulty principles of cadre training, selection, and placement have become exhausted. A situation has taken shape where vacancies are plenty with no one to fill them. As before, our higher schools are a conveyor belt producing so-called specialists, whom nobody really needs.
The current system of education lags behind real life and cannot supply the cadre needs of our changing economy. Schools, colleges, and universities continue producing graduates using old patterns ill fitted to new realities, rather than preparing specialists equipped to cope with modern economic needs. Such graduates have to take retraining courses to find a place in today’s economic system. The current system is unable — and will not be able in the foreseeable future — to effectively select effective specialists. We must develop an alternative selection system.
Society and the state do not challenge the more productive and dynamic part of society with high requirements of professional standards or with a chance to satisfy one’s personal ambitions; they offer no stimuli for intellectual, creative, or career progress. The role of the absent stimulant must be played an alternative cadre selection and placement system.
There is no ideology of success in today’s Ukrainian society. Young people are not career-oriented; they do not seek self-development or social growth. Those that are and do lack the opportunity to implement their professional and personal ambitions. This situation has an adverse effect on the moral status nationwide, which, in turn, is a heavy burden on the economy. Young specialists firmly believe that getting a well-paid job, let alone career growth, is the exception rather than the rule. Young active and progressive Ukrainians need a new self-made ideology, new ideals of personal and business success. This kind of ideology cannot be generated by an inert society and weak state.
The result is a cadre vacuum; the number of vacancies requiring effective managers with a new way of thinking is close to the critical mass. Further development of this country is impossible without solving the cadre problem. Yet the state, as represented by the current government, demonstrates no strategic thinking nor does it conduct any purposeful work aimed at solving the cadre problem.
The Cadre Reserve, the New Force of Ukraine project is underway. Based on the developed United Social Democratic network, it will be the fulcrum with which the situation will be turned in the right direction. The system of seeking managers of the future, based on the SDPU(o) party structure, will make it possible to locate administrators capable of leading this country forward. Among these people will be officials in charge of bodies of state administration at various levels, top managers of business structures, and young specialists. It is necessary to activate their intellectual potential, aim them toward holding leading administrative posts in enterprises and organizations, toward effective work and careers. Ukraine’s well-being will coincide with their personal success.
Selecting best cadres will be done with the help of local SDPU(o) cells operating in every administrative district and capable of embracing practically the entire population.
Ukraine is vacant for those who combine top professional with personal ambitions. Such people will always find a place in our country. The SDPU(o) undertakes to make every effort to find such people and provide them with conditions allowing them to lead Ukraine forward.