On the role of the “Ukrainian question”
The presidential campaign is unfolding in the United States
When Ukrainians were celebrating Easter, ex-Secretary of State of the US Hillary Clinton stated that she was going to run for president. “I’m running for president. Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion,” Clinton wrote on her Facebook page.
A day before Hillary announced her intention, US President Barack Obama stated that she would be a wonderful president. He also expressed his confidence that Clinton will tell in detail about her vision of the development of the country.
So far Hillary Clinton is the only person from the Democratic Party who announced that she will run for president. Officially the Democrats will announce their candidate at the party meeting in Philadelphia in July 2016. Hypothetically, US Vice President Joe Biden could run for president too, but he won’t, writes The Voice of America.
Three people announced their desire to take part in the presidential Race. Those are senators Rand Paul (Kentucky), Ted Cruz (Texas), and Marco Rubio (Florida). Rubio, whom the CNN calls the youngest candidate, was the last one to announce about his ambitions and added that he has a unique set of values to head the White House. In his speech before the potential electorate in Miami he immediately criticized Clinton, calling her the leader of yesterday. “But yesterday is gone, and we will never go back,” Marco Rubio emphasized. He criticized Barack Obama too. The Florida senator stated that he is more experienced than Obama was during the election campaign in 2008.
It will be reminded that previously Florida Governor, 62-year-old Jeb Bush, mentioned that he would run for president. Many monitors and experts consider him the favorite from the Republican Party. If he wins, he will be the only person whose brother and father were presidents of the US at different periods of time.
The Day asked the political analyst of the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation Volodymyr HORBACH to comment on the launch of the election campaign in the US. The interview started with the question: how much will the race take the attention of the Americans away from the events in Ukraine?
“This campaign won’t take away the attention of the American voters from the events in Ukraine. One of the main topics of this election campaign will be namely the international ones, unlike the previous elections, when Obama won due to the home political issues.
“Apart from the international issues, one of the most important topics will be the role of America as a global leader. In this sense Ukraine is an important part of the problem, about which Obama’s opponents will be speaking. In the Ukrainian issue, the rules, the principles, and the security architecture have been violated, unlike local conflicts with probably higher number of casualties, but which are caused by internal or religious reasons. This refers more to Russia than to Ukraine. The Russian crisis of international relations must be solved, through the change of leadership in the US among other things.
“There is a great possibility that the Republicans will win in these elections, maybe Jeb Bush. Or Hillary Clinton will win, and she is not the worst version either. At least she positions herself as a tougher politician than Obama.”
Meanwhile, Rubio calls Clinton the leader of yesterday.
“He is right in terms of chronology. But as we can see the crisis of leadership in the West, and there is no one person to match Reagan or Thatcher, the leadership of yesterday looks stronger than the modern leadership. This will affect some part of the voters in a negative way and have a positive effect on the other part of the voters.
“I think Clinton will build her campaign based on the contrast with Obama, because she is a Democrat. She will present herself as if her opponent is Barack Obama and his last presidential term.”
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№25, (2015)Section
Topic of the Day